sparkfun / OpenLog_Artemis

The OpenLog Artemis is an open source datalogger the comes preprogrammed to automatically log IMU, GPS, serial data, and various pressure, humidity, and distance sensors. All without writing a single line of code!
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Firmware v15/v16 unable to export compiled Binary #27

Closed adamgarbo closed 4 years ago

adamgarbo commented 4 years ago

Hi @nseidle,

Just a heads up that when attempting to export a compiled Binary from the v15/v16 firmware I run into the error:

/Users/adam/Documents/GitHub/OpenLog_Artemis/Firmware/OpenLog_Artemis/OpenLog_Artemis.ino: In function 'void enableCIPOpullUp()':
OpenLog_Artemis:552:11: error: 'MISO' was not declared in this scope
   padMode(MISO, cipoPinCfg, &retval);
exit status 1
'MISO' was not declared in this scope

Is MISO missing a corresponding definition?

Cheers, Adam

nseidle commented 4 years ago

Hi Adam - I'm currently working on an SCD30 bug in v16 and can compile.

I tested with master branch of OLA. Still compiles.

I'm using the main branch of Arduino_Apollo3. You might be using the board manager in Arduino which... I'm not sure what branch that pulls in.

Tell me more so I can try to replicate.

adamgarbo commented 4 years ago

Hi Nathan,

Digging into this now.

Arduino 1.8.13 Using board 'artemis' from platform in folder: /Users/adam/Library/Arduino15/packages/SparkFun/hardware/apollo3/1.1.2 Using core 'arduino' from platform in folder: /Users/adam/Library/Arduino15/packages/SparkFun/hardware/apollo3/1.1.2

Is MISO defined in the HAL somewhere?

Cheers, Adam

nseidle commented 4 years ago

MISO is defined in the variant file:

adamgarbo commented 4 years ago

Ahh... I see!

You're compiling with the Redboard Artemis ATP, while I was using the SparkFun Artemis Module. After switching to the ATP I was able to compile.

Paul and I discussed the difference between the board definitions a while back and which was best to use. At the time, both worked but I'll stick with the ATP moving forward (at least until an OLA board definition exists).

Cheers, Adam