sparkfun / SparkFun_CCS811_Arduino_Library

A library to drive the AMS CCS811 air quality sensor
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SparkFun ESP32 Thing compile error #12

Closed cap9qd closed 6 years ago

cap9qd commented 6 years ago

I have an issue compiling this library when using the latest ESP32 Arduino Core and Arduino 1.8.5.

I followed the SparkFun ESP32 Thing hookup guide to setup the environment and tested it on a ESP32-BIT breakout from Amazon before receiving the ESP32 THING in the mail with the environmental monitor shield.

I get an error: SparkFunCCS811.cpp:62:7: error: 'class TwoWire' has no member named 'setClockStretchLimit'"`

I am using the example sketch for the Environmental Monitor Shield setup guide and the libraries as downloaded by the Ardiuno library manager. I did try to pull the latest commit of this library since in other issues (#11 ESP8266 error) it was mentioned that one issue I had was already fixed.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I tried pulling the latest the ESP32 stuff but this didnt fix it. However, this is only the second project I have done with ESP32 so maybe I did something wrong updating the toolchain/core.

UPDATE: I just complied and ran several of the ESP32 THING examples and eveything works; this leads me to beleive that the toolchain/core is okay but maybe just out of date?

I commented out the WU stuff since I plan to push the data to a mosquito server instead.

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <WiFiServer.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>

#include <SparkFunCCS811.h>
#include "SparkFunBME280.h"
#include "Wire.h"
#include <Sparkfun_APDS9301_Library.h>

BME280 bme;
CCS811 ccs(0x5B);
APDS9301 apds;

// Variables for wifi server setup 
char* ssid     = "";
char* password = ""; 
//String ID = "station_id_goes_here";
//String key = "wunderground_key_goes_here";  
WiFiClient client;
//const int httpPort = 80;
//const char* host = "";

// Variables and constants used in calculating the windspeed.
volatile unsigned long timeSinceLastTick = 0;
volatile unsigned long lastTick = 0;

// Variables and constants used in tracking rainfall
#define S_IN_DAY   86400
#define S_IN_HR     3600
#define NO_RAIN_SAMPLES 2000
volatile long rainTickList[NO_RAIN_SAMPLES];
volatile int rainTickIndex = 0;
volatile int rainTicks = 0;
int rainLastDay = 0;
int rainLastHour = 0;
int rainLastHourStart = 0;
int rainLastDayStart = 0;
long secsClock = 0;

String windDir = "";
float windSpeed = 0.0;

// Pin assignment definitions
#define WIND_SPD_PIN 14
#define RAIN_PIN     25
#define WIND_DIR_PIN 35
#define AIR_RST      4
#define AIR_WAKE     15
#define DONE_LED     5

void setup() 
  delay(5);    // The CCS811 wants a brief delay after startup.

  pinMode(DONE_LED, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(DONE_LED, LOW);

  // Wind speed sensor setup. The windspeed is calculated according to the number
  //  of ticks per second. Timestamps are captured in the interrupt, and then converted
  //  into mph. 
  pinMode(WIND_SPD_PIN, INPUT);     // Wind speed sensor
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(WIND_SPD_PIN), windTick, RISING);

  // Rain sesnor setup. Rainfall is tracked by ticks per second, and timestamps of
  //  ticks are tracked so rainfall can be "aged" (i.e., rain per hour, per day, etc)
  pinMode(RAIN_PIN, INPUT);     // Rain sensor
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(RAIN_PIN), rainTick, RISING);
  // Zero out the timestamp array.
  for (int i = 0; i < NO_RAIN_SAMPLES; i++) rainTickList[i] = 0;

  // BME280 sensor setup - these are fairly conservative settings, suitable for
  //  most applications. For more information regarding the settings available
  //  for the BME280, see the example sketches in the BME280 library.
  bme.settings.commInterface = I2C_MODE;
  bme.settings.I2CAddress = 0x77;
  bme.settings.runMode = 3;
  bme.settings.tStandby = 0;
  bme.settings.filter = 0;
  bme.settings.tempOverSample = 1;
  bme.settings.pressOverSample = 1;
  bme.settings.humidOverSample = 1;

  // CCS811 sensor setup.
  pinMode(AIR_WAKE, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(AIR_WAKE, LOW);
  pinMode(AIR_RST, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(AIR_RST, LOW);
  digitalWrite(AIR_RST, HIGH);

  // APDS9301 sensor setup. Leave the default settings in place.

  // Connect to WiFi network
  Serial.print("Connecting to ");

  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.println("WiFi connected");
  Serial.println("IP address: ");

  // Visible WiFi connected signal for when serial isn't connected
  digitalWrite(DONE_LED, HIGH);

void loop() 
  static unsigned long outLoopTimer = 0;
  static unsigned long wundergroundUpdateTimer = 0;
  static unsigned long clockTimer = 0;
  static unsigned long tempMSClock = 0;

  // Create a seconds clock based on the millis() count. We use this
  //  to track rainfall by the second. We've done this because the millis()
  //  count overflows eventually, in a way that makes tracking time stamps
  //  very difficult.
  tempMSClock += millis() - clockTimer;
  clockTimer = millis();
  while (tempMSClock >= 1000)
    tempMSClock -= 1000;

  // This is a once-per-second timer that calculates and prints off various
  //  values from the sensors attached to the system.
  if (millis() - outLoopTimer >= 2000)
    outLoopTimer = millis();

    Serial.print("\nTimestamp: ");

    // Windspeed calculation, in mph. timeSinceLastTick gets updated by an
    //  interrupt when ticks come in from the wind speed sensor.
    if (timeSinceLastTick != 0) windSpeed = 1000.0/timeSinceLastTick;
    Serial.print("Windspeed: ");
    Serial.println(" mph");

    // Update temperature. This also updates compensation values used to
    //  calculate other parameters.
    Serial.print("Temperature: ");
    Serial.print(bme.readTempF(), 2);
    Serial.println(" degrees F");

    // Display relative humidity.
    Serial.print("%RH: ");
    Serial.print(bme.readFloatHumidity(), 2);
    Serial.println(" %");

    // Display pressure.
    Serial.print("Pres: ");
    Serial.print(bme.readFloatPressure() * 0.0002953);
    Serial.println(" in");

    // Calculate the wind direction and display it as a string.
    Serial.print("Wind dir: ");
    Serial.print("  ");

    // Calculate and display rainfall totals.
    Serial.print("Rainfall last hour: ");
    Serial.println(float(rainLastHour)*0.011, 3);
    Serial.print("Rainfall last day: ");
    Serial.println(float(rainLastDay)*0.011, 3);
    Serial.print("Rainfall to date: ");
    Serial.println(float(rainTicks)*0.011, 3);

    // Trigger the CCS811's internal update procedure, then
    //  dump the values to the serial port.

    Serial.print("CO2: ");

    Serial.print("tVOC: ");

    Serial.print("Luminous flux: ");

    // Calculate the amount of rain in the last day and hour.
    rainLastHour = 0;
    rainLastDay = 0;
    // If there are any captured rain sensor ticks...
    if (rainTicks > 0)
      // Start at the end of the list. rainTickIndex will always be one greater
      //  than the number of captured samples.
      int i = rainTickIndex-1;

      // Iterate over the list and count up the number of samples that have been
      //  captured with time stamps in the last hour.
      while ((rainTickList[i] >= secsClock - S_IN_HR) && rainTickList[i] != 0)
        if (i < 0) i = NO_RAIN_SAMPLES-1;

      // Repeat the process, this time over days.
      i = rainTickIndex-1;
      while ((rainTickList[i] >= secsClock - S_IN_DAY) && rainTickList[i] != 0)
        if (i < 0) i = NO_RAIN_SAMPLES-1;
      rainLastDayStart = i;
  // Update wunderground once every sixty seconds.
  if (millis() - wundergroundUpdateTimer >= 60000)

  wundergroundUpdateTimer = millis();
    // Set up the generic use-every-time part of the URL
    String url = "/weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php";
    url += "?ID=";
    url += ID;
    url += "&PASSWORD=";
    url += key;
    url += "&dateutc=now&action=updateraw";

    // Now let's add in the data that we've collected from our sensors
    // Start with rain in last hour/day
    url += "&rainin=";
    url += rainLastHour;
    url += "&dailyrainin=";
    url += rainLastDay;

    // Next let's do wind
    url += "&winddir=";
    url += windDir;
    url += "&windspeedmph=";
    url += windSpeed;

    // Now for temperature, pressure and humidity.
    url += "&tempf=";
    url += bme.readTempF();
    url += "&humidity=";
    url += bme.readFloatHumidity();
    url += "&baromin=";
    float baromin = 0.0002953 * bme.readFloatPressure();
    url += baromin;

    // Connnect to Weather Underground. If the connection fails, return from
    //  loop and start over again.
    if (!client.connect(host, httpPort))
      Serial.println("Connection failed");
      Serial.println("Connection succeeded");

    // Issue the GET command to Weather Underground to post the data we've 
    //  collected.
    client.print(String("GET ") + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
                 "Host: " + host + "\r\n" +
                 "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");

    // Give Weather Underground five seconds to reply.
    unsigned long timeout = millis();
    while (client.available() == 0) 
      if (millis() - timeout > 5000) 
          Serial.println(">>> Client Timeout !");

    // Read the response from Weather Underground and print it to the console.
      String line = client.readStringUntil('\r');

// Keep track of when the last tick came in on the wind sensor.
void windTick(void)
  timeSinceLastTick = millis() - lastTick;
  lastTick = millis();

// Capture timestamp of when the rain sensor got tripped.
void rainTick(void)
  rainTickList[rainTickIndex++] = secsClock;
  if (rainTickIndex == NO_RAIN_SAMPLES) rainTickIndex = 0;

// For the purposes of this calculation, 0deg is when the wind vane
//  is pointed at the anemometer. The angle increases in a clockwise
//  manner from there.
void windDirCalc(int vin)
  if      (vin < 150) windDir="202.5";
  else if (vin < 300) windDir = "180";
  else if (vin < 400) windDir = "247.5";
  else if (vin < 600) windDir = "225";
  else if (vin < 900) windDir = "292.5";
  else if (vin < 1100) windDir = "270";
  else if (vin < 1500) windDir = "112.5";
  else if (vin < 1700) windDir = "135";
  else if (vin < 2250) windDir = "337.5";
  else if (vin < 2350) windDir = "315";
  else if (vin < 2700) windDir = "67.5";
  else if (vin < 3000) windDir = "90";
  else if (vin < 3200) windDir = "22.5";
  else if (vin < 3400) windDir = "45";
  else if (vin < 4000) windDir = "0";
  else windDir = "0";
nseidle commented 6 years ago

Sorry. Looks like we broke it a few commits back when we were fixing clock stretching for ESP8266.

I don't have a good setup to test but it does now compile. I've pushed a release. Please grab v1.0.4 of the library and kick the tires. Let me know if you still have issues.

cap9qd commented 5 years ago

Thanks Nate! I tested it on the ESP32 THING and and weather shield and it looks good!

nseidle commented 5 years ago

Yay! Sorry about that. Thanks for confirming!