sparkfun / SparkFun_SGP30_Arduino_Library

This is an Arduino library for the SGP30 Air Quality Sensor
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byte to uint8_t for ESP8266 3.0 compatibility #9

Open uutzinger opened 2 years ago

uutzinger commented 2 years ago

1) byte to unit8_t for ESP8266 compatibility 2) created additional functions by splitting measureAirQuality and getBaseline into two functions. This allows the main loop to provide the necessary delay timing. To measure airguality, the main loop cancall startAirquality and then later getAirquality. Original function measureAirquality is still available. Similar approach for getBaseline.

nseidle commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the PR! Please add any new functions to the keywords.txt file so they'll get properly highlighted.