sparkfunX / Qwiic_Air_Quality_Combo_Board-CCS811-BME280

A combination breakout board for the CCS811 and BME280.
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problem working on esp8266 #1

Open Giaitzoglou opened 6 years ago

Giaitzoglou commented 6 years ago

hi i succefully uploaded the example from your website withe combined readings but i always get an i2c error .⸮EO⸮v`MM⸮4C8I⸮⸮⸮H(⸮⸮⸮⸮BME280 data to CCS811 for compensation. Problem with CCS811 I2C_ERRORProblem with BME280 can you please help me thank in advance chris giaitzoglou

Giaitzoglou commented 6 years ago

i tried also the example with only the ccs811 but still having the same problem .it looks like that the i2c cant find it ?do i have to do anything to the board pullup or something i am using the qwiic to jumper cables on a breadboard with a wemos d1 mini thanks