sparkleformation / sfn

SparkleFormation CLI
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Add support for cfn changesets #176

Open chrisroberts opened 8 years ago

chrisroberts commented 8 years ago

CFN has finally opened native planner-ish interface. Implement support via optional callback.

grosser commented 8 years ago

FYI rake task for doing the diff with aws-sdk

task :changeset, [:stack, :file] do |_t, args|
  client = ... make a cloudformation client ...
  options = {
    change_set_name: "TestChangeset#{rand(9999999)}", # make sure not to reuse a old one
    stack_name: args.fetch(:stack)

  file = args.fetch(:file)
  file = File.expand_path(file).sub("#{Dir.pwd}/", '')
  raise "File not found #{file}" unless File.exist?(file)
  folder, file = file.split('/', 2)

  template = `cd #{folder} && sfn print -f #{file}`
  raise "FAIL #{template}" unless $?.success?

      options.merge(template_body: template)

    # change takes a few seconds to be generated
    r = nil
    loop do
      r = client.describe_change_set(options)
      break unless ["CREATE_IN_PROGRESS", "CREATE_PENDING"].include? r.status
      sleep 0.5

    if r.status == "FAILED"
      abort r.status_reason
      r.changes.each do |change|
        rs = change.resource_change
        puts "#{rs.resource_type} #{rs.logical_resource_id} #{rs.action} Scope: #{rs.scope} Replace: #{rs.replacement}"
chrisroberts commented 8 years ago

I'm less than impressed with the functionality of the changesets feature as a viable standalone implementation for the aws planner mainly due to lack of functionality specifically in relation to nesting. Instead I'm going to look at augmenting the existing planner with the changesets functionality to cover things the existing planner can't easily implement (like conditional update effects based on things like backing type of amis).

grosser commented 8 years ago

yep, atm we use both ... sfn to get the detailed diff and changeset as a sanity check to make sure we don't do a restart by accident.