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HELP | Partial Search XML by XPath #2071

Closed lflucasferreira closed 4 years ago

lflucasferreira commented 4 years ago

Hi there!

I googled but didn't find a way to search for a partial XPath in an XML file.

I need to find everything ending with Status word, for example: \<diskSizeStatus>1\</diskSizeStatus>.

I am using Nokogiri::XML and tried xml.xpath('//@*search', search: 'Status') but was unsuccessful.

Anyone could help me with this, please?

flavorjones commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for asking this question, I'll try to help.

I'd like to note that this is a general XPath question, and not a Nokogiri-specific question. A bit of googling led me to

Nokogiri's version of libxml2 implements XPath 1.0 (and not XPath 2.0) so you'll have to use the more complicated query:

#! /usr/bin/env ruby

require 'nokogiri'

xml = <<EOF

doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(xml)

results = doc.xpath("//*[substring(name(), string-length(name()) - string-length('Bar')+1) = 'Bar']")
puts results.to_xml
# => <TagBar>qwer</TagBar>

I'll note that there are a few other ways you could have done this, depending on how sensitive you are to performance.

I hope this helps.