sparklemotion / nokogiri

Nokogiri (鋸) makes it easy and painless to work with XML and HTML from Ruby.
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investigate why CI started failing on the Windows Ruby 2.5 builds #2354

Closed flavorjones closed 2 years ago

flavorjones commented 2 years ago

Same commit was fine one day and reliably segfaults the next:



All these runs were for the same commit, 3800769e37719beb09dc85718527105d1676dc17

Looking for differences in the logs:

virtual environment:

--- good.actions.log2   2021-11-04 13:14:27.862287741 -0400
+++ bad.actions.log2    2021-11-04 13:14:23.772273959 -0400
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Can't find any online and idle self-hosted or hosted runner in the current repository, account/organization  that mat
ches the required labels: 'windows-latest'
 Waiting for a self-hosted or a hosted runner to pickup this job...
 Job is waiting for a hosted runner to come online.
-Job is about to start running on the hosted runner: GitHub Actions 12 (hosted)
+Job is about to start running on the hosted runner: GitHub Actions 5 (hosted)
 Current runner version: '2.284.0'
 ##[group]Operating System
 Microsoft Windows Server 2019
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
 ##[group]Virtual Environment
 Environment: windows-2019
-Version: 20211018.0
-Included Software:
-Image Release:
+Version: 20211102.4
+Included Software:
+Image Release:
 ##[group]Virtual Environment Provisioner
flavorjones commented 2 years ago

The diff between those images' readmes:

--- 20211018.readme 2021-11-04 13:21:39.192621214 -0400
+++ 20211102.readme 2021-11-04 13:22:12.176715972 -0400
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
 | Announcements |
+| [[all OSs] Selenium server version will be upgraded from 3 to 4 on November, 15]( |
+| [[All OSs] Node.js version 10 will be removed from the images on November, 15]( |
+| [Windows-2016 environment will be removed on March 15, 2022]( |
+| [[All OSs] Go versions less than 1.15 will be removed on November, 8]( |
 | [(Public Beta) Windows Server 2022 with Visual Studio 2022 is now available]( |
 # Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
 - OS Version: 10.0.17763 Build 2237
-- Image Version: 20211018.0
+- Image Version: 20211102.4

 ## Enabled windows optional features
 - Windows Subsystem for Linux [WSLv1]
@@ -23,16 +27,16 @@
 - Ruby 2.5.9p229

 ### Package Management
-- Chocolatey 0.11.2
-- Composer 2.1.9
+- Chocolatey 0.11.3
+- Composer 2.1.11
 - Helm 3.7.0
 - Miniconda 4.10.3 (pre-installed on the image but not added to PATH)
 - NPM 6.14.15
 - NuGet
-- pip 21.3 (python 3.7)
+- pip 21.3.1 (python 3.7)
 - Pipx 0.16.4
 - RubyGems
-- Vcpkg  (build from master \<699c877>)
+- Vcpkg  (build from master \<85b3115>)
 - Yarn 1.22.17

 #### Environment variables
@@ -42,7 +46,7 @@
 | CONDA                   | C:\Miniconda |

 ### Project Management
-- Ant 1.10.11
+- Ant 1.10.12
 - Gradle 7.2
 - Maven 3.8.3
 - sbt 1.5.5
@@ -50,30 +54,30 @@
 ### Tools
 - 7zip 19.00
 - aria2 1.36.0
-- azcopy 10.12.2
+- azcopy 10.13.0
 - Bazel 4.2.1
 - Bazelisk 1.10.1
 - Bicep 0.4.1008
 - Cabal
-- CMake 3.21.3
-- CodeQL Action Bundle 2.6.3-a
+- CMake 3.21.4
+- CodeQL Action Bundle 2.7.0
 - Docker 20.10.7
 - Docker-compose 1.29.2
 - ghc 9.0.1
 - Git 2.33.1
 - Git LFS 3.0.1
-- Google Cloud SDK 360.0.0
+- Google Cloud SDK 363.0.0
 - InnoSetup 6.2.0
 - jq 1.6
 - Kind 0.11.1
-- Kubectl 1.22.2
+- Kubectl 1.22.3
 - Mercurial 5.0
 - Mingw-w64 8.1.0
 - Newman 5.3.0
 - NSIS v3.06.1
 - OpenSSL 1.1.1
 - Packer 1.7.6
-- Pulumi v3.15.0
+- Pulumi v3.16.0
 - R 4.1.1
 - Stack 2.7.3
 - Subversion (SVN) 1.14.1
@@ -84,20 +88,20 @@
 - zstd 1.5.0

 ### CLI Tools
-- Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.94
-- AWS CLI 2.2.46
-- AWS SAM CLI 1.33.0
-- AWS Session Manager CLI
-- Azure CLI 2.29.0
-- Azure DevOps CLI extension 0.20.0
+- Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.97
+- AWS CLI 2.3.0
+- AWS SAM CLI 1.34.1
+- AWS Session Manager CLI
+- Azure CLI 2.30.0
+- Azure DevOps CLI extension 0.21.0
 - Cloud Foundry CLI 6.53.0
-- GitHub CLI 2.1.0
+- GitHub CLI 2.2.0
 - Hub CLI 2.14.2

 ### Rust Tools
-- Cargo 1.55.0
-- Rust 1.55.0
-- Rustdoc 1.55.0
+- Cargo 1.56.0
+- Rust 1.56.1
+- Rustdoc 1.56.1
 - Rustup 1.24.3

 #### Packages
@@ -105,32 +109,34 @@
 - cargo-audit 0.15.2
 - cargo-outdated v0.9.17
 - cbindgen 0.20.0
-- Clippy 0.1.55
+- Clippy 0.1.56
 - Rustfmt 1.4.37

 ### Browsers and webdrivers
-- Google Chrome 94.0.4606.81
-- Chrome Driver 94.0.4606.61
-- Microsoft Edge 94.0.992.50
-- Microsoft Edge Driver 94.0.992.50
-- Mozilla Firefox 93.0
+- Google Chrome 95.0.4638.69
+- Chrome Driver 95.0.4638.54
+- Microsoft Edge 95.0.1020.40
+- Microsoft Edge Driver 95.0.1020.40
+- Mozilla Firefox 94.0
 - Gecko Driver 0.30.0
 - IE Driver
+- Selenium server 3.141.59

 #### Environment variables
 | Name            | Value                              |
-| --------------- | ---------------------------------- |
+| ----------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
 | CHROMEWEBDRIVER | C:\SeleniumWebDrivers\ChromeDriver |
 | EDGEWEBDRIVER   | C:\SeleniumWebDrivers\EdgeDriver   |
 | GECKOWEBDRIVER  | C:\SeleniumWebDrivers\GeckoDriver  |
+| SELENIUM_JAR_PATH | C:\selenium\selenium-server-standalone.jar |

 ### Java
 | Version             | Vendor          | Environment Variable |
 | ------------------- | --------------- | -------------------- |
-| 8.0.302+8 (default) | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_8_X64      |
-| 11.0.12+7           | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_11_X64     |
+| 8.0.312+7 (default) | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_8_X64      |
+| 11.0.13+8           | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_11_X64     |
 | 13.0.2+8.1          | Adopt OpenJDK   | JAVA_HOME_13_X64     |
-| 17.0.0+35           | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_17_X64     |
+| 17.0.1+12           | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_17_X64     |

 ### Shells
 | Name          | Target                            |
@@ -166,6 +172,7 @@
 | 10.24.1 | x64          |
 | 12.22.7 | x64          |
 | 14.18.1 | x64          |
+| 16.13.0 | x64          |

 #### Python
@@ -195,7 +202,8 @@
 | -------------- | ------------ |
 | 2.7.18         | PyPy 7.3.6 with MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64) |
 | 3.6.12         | PyPy 7.3.3 with MSC v.1927 32 bit |
-| 3.7.12         | PyPy 7.3.6 with MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64) |
+| 3.7.12         | PyPy 7.3.7 with MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64) |
+| 3.8.12         | PyPy 7.3.7 with MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64) |

@@ -221,7 +229,7 @@

 ### Database tools
-- Azure CosmosDb Emulator
+- Azure CosmosDb Emulator
 - DacFx 15.0.5282.3
 - MySQL
 - SQLPS 1.0
@@ -520,7 +528,7 @@
 #### Azure Powershell Modules
 | Module  | Version                                                                                                                                                           | Path                           |
 | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
-| Az      |<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>6.4.0 | C:\Modules\az_\<version\>      |
+| Az      |<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>6.5.0 | C:\Modules\az_\<version\>      |
 | Azure   | 2.1.0 [Installed]<br><br><br><br>5.3.0                                                                                                 | C:\Modules\azure_\<version\>   |
 | AzureRM | 2.1.0 [Installed]<br><br><br><br><br>6.13.1                                                                                   | C:\Modules\azurerm_\<version\> |

@@ -533,7 +541,7 @@
 | ------------------ | ---------------- |
 | DockerMsftProvider |          |
 | MarkdownPS         | 1.9              |
-| Microsoft.Graph    | 1.7.0            |
+| Microsoft.Graph    | 1.8.0            |
 | Pester             | 3.4.0<br>5.3.1   |
 | PowerShellGet      |<br>2.2.5 |
 | PSScriptAnalyzer   | 1.20.0           |
@@ -554,7 +562,7 @@
 | Google APIs                | addon-google_apis-google-21<br>addon-google_apis-google-22<br>addon-google_apis-google-23<br>addon-google_apis-google-24                                                                                                                                                                        |
 | Google Play services       | 49                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
 | Google Repository          | 58                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
-| NDK                        | 21.4.7075529 (default)<br>22.1.7171670<br>23.0.7599858                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
+| NDK                        | 21.4.7075529 (default)<br>22.1.7171670<br>23.1.7779620                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
 | SDK Patch Applier v4       | 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |

 #### Environment variables
@@ -562,7 +570,7 @@
 | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
 | ANDROID_HOME            | C:\Android\android-sdk                                                       |
 | ANDROID_NDK_HOME        | C:\Android\android-sdk\ndk-bundle -> C:\Android\android-sdk\ndk\21.4.7075529 |
-| ANDROID_NDK_LATEST_HOME | C:\Android\android-sdk\ndk\23.0.7599858                                      |
+| ANDROID_NDK_LATEST_HOME | C:\Android\android-sdk\ndk\23.1.7779620                                      |
 | ANDROID_NDK_PATH        | C:\Android\android-sdk\ndk-bundle -> C:\Android\android-sdk\ndk\21.4.7075529 |
 | ANDROID_NDK_ROOT        | C:\Android\android-sdk\ndk-bundle -> C:\Android\android-sdk\ndk\21.4.7075529 |
 | ANDROID_SDK_ROOT        | C:\Android\android-sdk                                                       |
flavorjones commented 2 years ago

mini_portile2 seems fine on this version of windows runner:

MSP-Greg commented 2 years ago

I've repo'd locally. Both asserts generate a SIGSEGV.

It's not easy to determine, but I believe the MSYS2 MinGW gcc was updated to 11.2.0 somewhere around 04-Nov. Ruby 2.5.9 was built with 10.2.0.

flavorjones commented 2 years ago

@MSP-Greg Thank you for taking a look at this! To make sure I understand what you're saying: Ruby was compiled with 10.2.0 but the extension is being compiled with 11.2.0?

The argument-checking code for both of those functions is pretty straightforward and it's not obvious to me why these (and only these) code paths would segfault ...

static VALUE
from_io(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
  VALUE rb_io, rb_url, encoding, rb_options;
  xmlTextReaderPtr reader;
  const char *c_url      = NULL;
  const char *c_encoding = NULL;
  int c_options           = 0;
  VALUE rb_reader, args[3];

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "13", &rb_io, &rb_url, &encoding, &rb_options);

  if (!RTEST(rb_io)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "io cannot be nil"); }
static VALUE
from_memory(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
  VALUE rb_buffer, rb_url, encoding, rb_options;
  xmlTextReaderPtr reader;
  const char *c_url      = NULL;
  const char *c_encoding = NULL;
  int c_options           = 0;
  VALUE rb_reader, args[3];

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "13", &rb_buffer, &rb_url, &encoding, &rb_options);

  if (!RTEST(rb_buffer)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "string cannot be nil"); }

If you have any insights or advice, I'm all ears. Otherwise I may try to just skip these tests for Ruby 2.5 on Windows.

MSP-Greg commented 2 years ago

To make sure I understand what you're saying: Ruby was compiled with 10.2.0 but the extension is being compiled with 11.2.0?

Yes. The Windows build tools (MSYS2 MinGW 32 & 64 bit) are updated every time there's a new version release of the Actions Windows images. On windows-2019, the 32 & 64 bit gcc tools were included with the image. With windows-2022, the gcc tools were removed, and some 'generic' build tools (worked with both 32 & 64 bit) were also removed.

If you have any insights or advice

I haven't seen this problem elsewhere, so I'm confused. I've seen issues where someone tries to build against something like 2.4.0 or 2.5.0, but not with a 'recent' build. I was going to look at it a bit more tonite...

flavorjones commented 2 years ago

@MSP-Greg That test is skipped on Windows in and, sure enough, the rest of the suite is green. Very strange, but I'm going to try not to think about it too hard :zany_face:

flavorjones commented 2 years ago

Closing, because #2396 dropped 2.5 out of the testing matrix. Thanks again for your help, @MSP-Greg!