sparna-git / Sparnatural

Sparnatural : Typescript visual SPARQL query builder for knowledge graphs, configurable with SHACL
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Map widget : use dynamic import for leaflet to avoid overriding the leaftlet from sparnatural-yasgui-plugin if it is imported first #584

Open tfrancart opened 2 months ago

tfrancart commented 2 months ago

This kind of thing:

// /!\ black magic warning : dynamic leaflet import
// to avoid importing it twice in the page
var L:typeof import("leaflet/index");
var markerIcon;
if(window.L == undefined) {
    import("leaflet").then((theLeaflet) => {
        L = theLeaflet;
        window.L = L;
        markerIcon = L.icon( {
            shadowUrl: require("leaflet/dist/images/marker-shadow.png")
        } );
} else {
    L = window.L;
    markerIcon = L.icon( {
        shadowUrl: require("leaflet/dist/images/marker-shadow.png")
    } );
// /!\ end blackmagic