sparqlunicorn / sparqlunicornGoesGIS

SPARQLing Unicorn QGIS Plugin (Documentation:
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Add more SPARQL endpoints... #3

Open florianthiery opened 4 years ago

florianthiery commented 4 years ago

... pls give us some hints and example queries :-)

sfkeller commented 3 years ago

Any chance to add Sophox [1] as an SPARQL endpoint in order ot access OpenStreetMap? This would mean nothing less than an new era of this plugin 🎉 !


situx commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your suggestion. I thought we already included Sophox in our last version, but it seems we did not? In any case, we already created a configuration file for Sophox so we will include it in the next version. Alternatively you may use the LinkedGeoData SPARQL endpoint which should for sure be included in the last version of the plugin.

sfkeller commented 3 years ago

Sorry: My bad - Sophox is there... (remains just a few examples - as mentioned in this issue ;-) grafik

situx commented 3 years ago

As for examples and this is true for any SPARQL endpoints we support: If you can think of SPARQL queries which would best highlight the potential of a respective SPARQL endpoint, please submit them here and we can include them into the default configuration so that they may appear in the example query dialog.

However, for Sophox in particular, I believe we have added the SPARQL endpoint but not the queries to retrieve all geoclasses. The reason for this is because Sophox does not use OWL classes to classify nodes, ways and relations as opposed to all other SPARQL endpoints we have integrated. Rather, Sophox only exposes properties like osmt:amenity with String values which may be equivalent to classes. To support this kind of non-owl:Class class representations some modifications need to be made to the codebase which are not completed yet.

situx commented 3 years ago

Version 0.12 now allows to add new SPARQL endpoints using an automatic configuration. We have therefore decided to only add a selection of very common triple stores to the plugin by default

ThomasThelen commented 4 months ago

Is there any reason to prevent people from entering their own SPARQL endpoint? I'd like to use this with my own endpoints however, there's only a pre-determined list of endpoints

situx commented 4 months ago

Hi @ThomasThelen,

since version 0.12 it is possible to add your own SPARQL endpoints. To do so, select "Quick Add RDF Resource" and enter the SPARQL endpoint URL. An automatic detection follows and, if successful, adds the SPARQL endpoint to the dropdown menu.

The idea of the dropdown list of SPARQL endpoints is to provide users with a selection of databases for discovery. Ideally, these should be SPARQL endpoints of general interest; for now, the list is distributed with the plugin. In the future, the list of recommended triple stores should be stored in a separate branch of this repository. Users may then issue pull requests or issues here to ask for triple stores to be added to the default list. The plugin may then pull the most recent list from the repository directly, also in between releases.

ThomasThelen commented 4 months ago

Ah my mistake! Love that I can add a feature from a URI. Thank you!