sparrow007 / CarouselRecyclerview

Carousel Recyclerview let's you create carousel layout with the power of recyclerview by creating custom layout manager.
Apache License 2.0
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setItemSelectlistener will not work when changing adapter with setting alpha #24

Closed arjunbabuc closed 2 years ago

arjunbabuc commented 2 years ago

if(selectedTeam=="homeTeam") { adapter = carousalViewAdapter( homePlayerList!!, basketballData.getTeams[0].colors[0] ) carouselRecyclerview.adapter = adapter carouselRecyclerview.set3DItem(false) setIntervalRatio(0.7f) carouselRecyclerview.setAlpha(true) carouselRecyclerview.setInfinite(false) } else { adapter = carousalViewAdapter( awayTeamPlayerList!!, basketballData.getTeams[1].colors[0] ) carouselRecyclerview.adapter = adapter carouselRecyclerview.set3DItem(false) setIntervalRatio(0.7f) carouselRecyclerview.setAlpha(true) carouselRecyclerview.setInfinite(false) }

In this case ItemSelectListener will only work when all property settings are removed. property will change each time when we set adapter also

sparrow007 commented 2 years ago

@arjunbabuc Would you please check to set all the settings on top (common for if-else) then based on the condition you can set the adapter and try for listener let me know if that's working?

arjunbabuc commented 2 years ago

@sparrow007 each time setting adapter make properties inactive. Anyway i solved this by updating current adapter using update function. Now its working fine

sparrow007 commented 2 years ago

@arjunbabuc I am glad that you solved it, but I will look into these properties inactive thanks for this.