PoolFactory.addCuratedPool() must trigger the current DAO proposal to be closed if it is not already
As the next Dao.removeVotes() call will cause an underflow due to taking a balance from the preexisting 0 voteBalance
Unfortunately, we will have to permission the PoolFactory to Dao.completeProposal() or create a custom interface function for the poolfactory to call that bypasses the 'mapPID_startTime[_currentProposal] + 1296000' require; might make sense to add in an onlyDao 'cancelProposal' function that bypasses the wait period for use in this instance; and will double as a tool to close malicious proposals reactively
PoolFactory.removeCuratedPool() only really becomes an issue if the same asset is re-curated during the same proposal period
If enforced correctly with PoolFactory.addCuratedPool() then that is all that we required to close this issue
PoolFactory.addCuratedPool() must trigger the current DAO proposal to be closed if it is not already
PoolFactory.removeCuratedPool() only really becomes an issue if the same asset is re-curated during the same proposal period