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What's your utility? #70

Open dt-woods opened 3 years ago

dt-woods commented 3 years ago

"Never be afraid to show your colleagues your work. If you are afraid to, that's probably the bigger sign that something is wrong with your code and that you already know it."—N. Schweitzer (2008), Software Consultant, Wauwatosa, WI


The purpose of this assignment is to introduce me to your Python programming skills. It is also a chance for your to show off a snippet of Python code you find helpful and/or interesting. You may choose any script that you have written or found useful in performing a "utility" task. It may range from counting characters in a file to lexicographically sorting lines in a file. If you are not the author, please assign proper attribution to the originators.

Getting Started

A good place to start is our current scripts directory. Check out what others have done before you. Also, take note of the few supporting data files (noted in the directory's README). Props to anyone who can make use of existing data files in the repository. If you script needs data to demonstrate its utility, please add your data file to the repository in addition to your script.


Once you have your idea for your code, please create a new issue on GitHub.

Test Your Skills: in your local copy of the repository, create a new branch and name it based on the issue number you raised on GitHub. Work on your code in this new branch; you will not have to worry about merging until your development is complete. Make certain you include your issue number in your commit messages.

# On the Terminal / Command Prompt
git checkout -b iss2 # replace "iss2" such that the issue number matches your issue on GitHub
cd scripts # move into the scripts directory
git add # change "" with your script name
git commit -m "Beginning development on my utility script. Addresses #2." # change the '#2' to reflect your issue number

When you are ready to submit your script for review, checkout the master branch and merge in your changes.

git checkout master # move back on to the master branch
git pull # download the latest changes
git merge iss2 # change "iss2" with your branch name
# You should be prompted for a merge message.
# Save and close the message.
git push # send your changes to remote server
git branch -d iss2 # delete old branch; you are done with it