D:/a/_temp/msys64/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/12.1.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:/smelibs/lib/libQt6BundledZLIB.a(crc32.c.obj):crc32.c:(.text+0x560): multiple definition of `crc32_combine_gen64'; C:/smelibs/lib/libz.a(crc32.obj):crc32.c:(.text+0xc00): first defined here
Not sure why this error didn't occur previously - but if possible we should remove our libz and link to the Qt one wherever libz is needed.
Should be straightforward - we currently don't use any cmake config for zlib but just pass in location of our statically compiled lib and headers, and Qt uses the same location and names for all operating systems:
This didn't work as the bundled Qt libz headers are modified to include Qt-related stuff.
Will instead try adding a static libz to the Qt build and linking Qt to that one.
Example issue when building sme:
Not sure why this error didn't occur previously - but if possible we should remove our libz and link to the Qt one wherever libz is needed.
Should be straightforward - we currently don't use any cmake config for zlib but just pass in location of our statically compiled lib and headers, and Qt uses the same location and names for all operating systems: