Closed casperdcl closed 3 years ago
using only display equations in markdown cells:
\begin{equation} y = mx + c \end{equation}
mathjax isn't loaded. At least one instance of inline maths needs to be in the notebook ($y = mx + c$) in order to prompt nbsphinx to insert the following into the generated html:
$y = mx + c$
<script async="async" src=""></script> <script type="text/x-mathjax-config">MathJax.Hub.Config({"TeX": {"equationNumbers": {"autoNumber": "AMS", "useLabelIds": true}}, "tex2jax": {"inlineMath": [["$", "$"], ["\\(", "\\)"]], "processEscapes": true, "ignoreClass": "document", "processClass": "math|output_area"}})</script>
Thanks for the report!
Does #551 fix it for you?
using only display equations in markdown cells:
mathjax isn't loaded. At least one instance of inline maths needs to be in the notebook (
$y = mx + c$
) in order to promptnbsphinx
to insert the following into the generated html: