spatialdude / usqlite

μSQLite library module for MicroPython
MIT License
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Possible memory leak #23

Open emile-cronje opened 8 months ago

emile-cronje commented 8 months ago

Good day

If I run the attached script (see below), tested on windows, unix and stm32f769 builds, it runs fine until the free memory drops below 5%, and then crashes with the error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\scratch\micropython\mp_usqlite\samples\", line 167, in File "asyncio/", line 1, in run File "asyncio/", line 1, in run_until_complete File "E:\scratch\micropython\mp_usqlite\samples\", line 91, in consume usqlite_Error: error (26): file is not a database sql: 'SELECT COUNT(ID) from items;' PS E:\scratch\micropython\mp_usqlite\micropython\ports\windows\build-dev>

If I run the script with useSqlite = False, the memory usage drops until about 1%, but the the gc kicks in and continues as expected.

Although, if useSqlite = True, when the memory usage drops to around 5%, the above error is displayed. Might it be an issue in the interop between the gc and usqlite?



import uasyncio as asyncio from queue import Queue import gc import os import usqlite

Exception raised by get_nowait().

class QueueEmpty(Exception): pass

Exception raised by put_nowait().

class QueueFull(Exception): pass

class Queue: def init(self, maxsize=0): self.maxsize = maxsize self._queue = [] self._evput = asyncio.Event() # Triggered by put, tested by get self._evget = asyncio.Event() # Triggered by get, tested by put

def _get(self):
    self._evget.set()  # Schedule all tasks waiting on get
    return self._queue.pop(0)

async def get(self):  #  Usage: item = await queue.get()
    while self.empty():  # May be multiple tasks waiting on get()
        # Queue is empty, suspend task until a put occurs
        # 1st of N tasks gets, the rest loop again
        await self._evput.wait()
    return self._get()

def get_nowait(self):  # Remove and return an item from the queue.
    # Return an item if one is immediately available, else raise QueueEmpty.
    if self.empty():
        raise QueueEmpty()
    return self._get()

def _put(self, val):
    self._evput.set()  # Schedule tasks waiting on put

async def put(self, val):  # Usage: await queue.put(item)
    while self.full():
        # Queue full
        await self._evget.wait()
        # Task(s) waiting to get from queue, schedule first Task

def put_nowait(self, val):  # Put an item into the queue without blocking.
    if self.full():
        raise QueueFull()

def qsize(self):  # Number of items in the queue.
    return len(self._queue)

def empty(self):  # Return True if the queue is empty, False otherwise.
    return len(self._queue) == 0

def full(self):  # Return True if there are maxsize items in the queue.
    # Note: if the Queue was initialized with maxsize=0 (the default) or
    # any negative number, then full() is never True.
    return self.maxsize > 0 and self.qsize() >= self.maxsize

event_test = asyncio.Event() useSqlite = False

async def produce(queue): icount = 0

while True:
    await queue.put(str(icount))  # Put result on queue        
    icount += 1
    await asyncio.sleep(.2)

async def consume(queue, dbConn): while True: await event_test.wait()

    while (queue.qsize() > 20):
        item = await queue.get()  # Blocks until data is ready            

print("Pulled item..." + str(item))

        if (useSqlite == True):
                "BEGIN TRANSACTION;"
                f"INSERT INTO items VALUES ({item}, 0, '{item}', '{item}', False);"

            with dbConn.execute("SELECT COUNT(ID) from items;") as cur:
                for row in cur:
                    print("items count:", row[0])

            if (row[0] > 100):
                    "BEGIN TRANSACTION;"
                    "DELETE FROM items;"

        with open('sd/hello.txt', 'w+') as f:

        await asyncio.sleep(.1)


async def watchQueue(queue): while True: if (queue.qsize() > 10): event_test.set()

    await asyncio.sleep(1)

async def showQueueLength(queue): while True: print("Queue length..." + str(queue.qsize())) await asyncio.sleep(2)

async def showMemUsage(): while True: print(free(True)) await asyncio.sleep(5)

def free(full=False): F = gc.mem_free() A = gc.mem_alloc() T = F+A P = '{0:.2f}%'.format(F/T*100) if not full: return P else : return ('Total:{0} Free:{1} ({2})'.format(T,F,P))

def InitDb(clearDb = True): dbconn = usqlite.connect("data.db")

if clearDb:
    dbconn.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS items;")

    dbconn.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS items
                    (ID            INTEGER,
                    VERSION        INTEGER NOT NULL,
                    NAME           TEXT    NOT NULL,
                    DESCRIPTION    TEXT    NOT NULL,         
                    IS_COMPLETE    BOOL     NOT NULL);''')

    dbconn.execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_item_name ON items(name, description);")

return dbconn        




async def main(): queue = Queue()
dbConn = InitDb() asyncio.create_task(produce(queue))
asyncio.create_task(consume(queue, dbConn))
asyncio.create_task(showQueueLength(queue)) asyncio.create_task(showMemUsage())

print('Tasks are running...')
while True:
    await asyncio.sleep(5)

emile-cronje commented 8 months ago

Apologies for the messy code part of this issue, pasting the code did not work as expected, I have attached the script.


emile-cronje commented 8 months ago

Found the following with AddressSanitizer in VS 2022 stack_buffer_underflow

spatialdude commented 3 months ago

@emile-cronje μSQLite has been updated to v0.1.5 which includes the latest version of SQLite and support for MicroPython v1.23. This may address some of the problems you've encountered.

Please also take a look at the simple memory test shown in that shows how to trace calls and track peak memory usage that may also assist in narrowing down problems.