spatialmodel / inmap

InMAP reduced-form air quality model for fine particulate matter (PM2.5)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Updating GEOS-Chem files #62

Closed SumilThakr closed 5 years ago

SumilThakr commented 5 years ago

I've made some changes in this commit for reading the new GEOS-Chem output. It looks like a lot of the tests irrelevant to geoschem.go are failing, at least on my machine, but when I run GO111MODULE=on go test -run TestGEOSChemToInMAP and TestGEOSChemToInMAP_new (after regenerating the goldenfiles), they both pass.

N.B. some of the tracers related to SOA are new and different to what was in the old GEOS-Chem CTM output. Running the preproc test on the old GEOS-Chem output, InMAP spits out "variable IJ_AVG_S_XXXXX not in file" for these, but it still runs and the test still passes. I don't know whether it's worth adding the functionality to allow for different choices of species groups depending on which chemical mechanism in GEOS-Chem is being used---especially since I'm assured it's a very active area of development with some differing opinions about which tracers to include.

ctessum commented 5 years ago

It looks like the tests are failing owning to git related issues, and additional some changes were made to the master branch. I reverted the master branch to the version I have on my laptop, but that causes this version to look somewhat weird.

I've created #63, which aims to fix these issues.