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Find Neighbor Polygons in a Layer — QGIS Tutorials and Tips #174

Closed utterances-bot closed 3 weeks ago

utterances-bot commented 2 months ago

Find Neighbor Polygons in a Layer — QGIS Tutorials and Tips

asouzaindicia commented 2 months ago

I received an error when try to use the script, ChatGpt did some corrections and worked well. Here is the revised script if somebody need to use or if you want to replace.

Thanks a lot for this tutorial and script


Copyright 2014 Ujaval Gandhi


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# ################################################################################ from qgis.utils import iface from PyQt5.QtCore import QVariant # Updated for PyQt5 from qgis.core import QgsField, QgsFeature, QgsSpatialIndex

Replace the values below with values from your layer.


Names of the new fields to be added to the layer


layer = iface.activeLayer()

Create 2 new fields in the layer that will hold the list of neighbors and sum

of the chosen field.

layer.startEditing() layer.dataProvider().addAttributes( [QgsField(_NEW_NEIGHBORS_FIELD, QVariant.String), QgsField(_NEW_SUM_FIELD, QVariant.Int)]) layer.updateFields()

Create a dictionary of all features

feature_dict = { f for f in layer.getFeatures()}

Build a spatial index

index = QgsSpatialIndex() for f in feature_dict.values(): index.insertFeature(f)

Loop through all features and find features that touch each feature

for f in feature_dict.values(): print(f'Working on {f[_NAME_FIELD]}') geom = f.geometry() intersecting_ids = index.intersects(geom.boundingBox())

neighbors = []
neighbors_sum = 0
for intersecting_id in intersecting_ids:
    intersecting_f = feature_dict[intersecting_id]

    if (f != intersecting_f and not intersecting_f.geometry().disjoint(geom)):
        neighbors_sum += intersecting_f[_SUM_FIELD]

f.setAttribute(_NEW_NEIGHBORS_FIELD, ','.join(neighbors))
f.setAttribute(_NEW_SUM_FIELD, neighbors_sum)

layer.commitChanges() print('Processing complete.')

spatialthoughts commented 1 month ago

Thanks for sharing. The code is very similar to what we teach in our PyQGIS class on how to compute neighbors using Actions. You can check it out