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Performing Table Joins (QGIS3) — QGIS Tutorials and Tips #178

Closed utterances-bot closed 3 weeks ago

utterances-bot commented 1 month ago

Performing Table Joins (QGIS3) — QGIS Tutorials and Tips

wolbrekkkker commented 1 month ago

good day sir. I'm a bit lost on the site(US Census Bureau). I think they've updated the site and it's not the same anymore on what is in this material.

wolbrekkkker commented 1 month ago

uhm. I have managed to find it sir, just disregard my first comment. Thank you

myzid45 commented 3 hours ago

When i create "Join atribute by Field value" it shows me that one feature are match. how to solve this ?

spatialthoughts commented 2 hours ago

@myzid45 If you are trying this tutorial, follow the steps exactly. If it is your own data, make sure the fields that you are trying to match contains exactly the same values - otherwise they won't be matched.