CASE 3: DUP BOLD limbo
* ./sub-0128/ses-04/func/sub-0128_ses-04_task-social_acq-mb8_run-05_bold__dup-02.json limbo BOLD NOR DUP matches expected TR
BOLD TR: 489 vs. DUP TR: 40 vs. EXPECTED TR 872
BOLD TIME: 69851 vs. DUP TIME: 69733
CASE 5: No clue
BOLDJSON: ./sub-0128/ses-04/func/sub-0128_ses-04_task-social_acq-mb8_run-05_bold.json
DUPJSON ./sub-0128/ses-04/func/sub-0128_ses-04_task-social_acq-mb8_run-05_bold__dup-01.json
BOLD TR: 489 vs. DUP TR: 872
BOLD TIME: 69851 vs. DUP TIME: 67430
BOLD TIME: "19:24:11 vs. DUP TIME: "18:43:50
PVC initially done under john doe in Medoc
Issues with Medoc during second pain run (run 5). Software was in external control but not triggering stimuli. Participant estimated she had 4-5 stimuli with no pain.
Run 5 was redone at the end of the scan using the correct sub # in medoc
Attempt to redo run 5 at end of scan resulted in same trigger error in Medoc"
Two duplicates
fmriprep output