This PR adds dependabot automation for this repository.
This PR adds a dependabot configuration file that enables weekly update checks for all github actions used within workflows in the project.
This PR includes a workflow that automatically merges dependabot PRs for minor and patch version updates (major version bumps must be manually merged to avoid breaking changes, with one exception - see below).
When performing auto-merging of PRs, Github Actions that have a major version update AND a compatibility score of >=90% are automatically merged as way to reduce the manual work of merging PRs that are of no risk of breaking changes. ONLY Github Actions that have a major version update are considered for automatic merging. Other dependencies are excluded.
Using these features will help keep all workflows up to date with a minimal amount of manual intervention necessary.
This functionality has already been added to the Spatie laravel package skeleton repository.
This PR adds dependabot automation for this repository.
This PR adds a dependabot configuration file that enables weekly update checks for all github actions used within workflows in the project.
This PR includes a workflow that automatically merges dependabot PRs for minor and patch version updates (major version bumps must be manually merged to avoid breaking changes, with one exception - see below).
When performing auto-merging of PRs, Github Actions that have a major version update AND a compatibility score of >=90% are automatically merged as way to reduce the manual work of merging PRs that are of no risk of breaking changes. ONLY Github Actions that have a major version update are considered for automatic merging. Other dependencies are excluded.
Using these features will help keep all workflows up to date with a minimal amount of manual intervention necessary.
This functionality has already been added to the Spatie laravel package skeleton repository.