In order to publish migrations or config files using the 'php artisan vendor:publish --tag='' " ' command, it is necessary to adjust the tag by adding the 'package short name' with a slash (in this case, 'medialibrary-'). This adjustment is required for compatibility with the following code snippet in the PackageServiceProvider from Spatie\LaravelPackageTools:
$filePath => $this->generateMigrationName(
), ], "{$this->package->shortName()}-migrations");
In order to publish migrations or config files using the 'php artisan vendor:publish --tag='' " ' command, it is necessary to adjust the tag by adding the 'package short name' with a slash (in this case, 'medialibrary-'). This adjustment is required for compatibility with the following code snippet in the PackageServiceProvider from Spatie\LaravelPackageTools: $this->publishes([ $filePath => $this->generateMigrationName( $migrationFileName, $now->addSecond() ), ], "{$this->package->shortName()}-migrations");