I ran into an issue where when returning a Media item directly in our controller, it was building our response as a stream but hitting memory allocation errors.
This update uses feof/fread to instead chunk the output and clear the buffers, preventing memory issues.
I've also added a setter to allow modification of the chunk size. Example usage:
public function show(Media $media) {
// stream our media out in 5MB chunks
return $media->setStreamChunkSize((1024*1024)*5);
While I was in the project I've also added a helper method to get a stream for a conversion, this was something that we've been using in a project of ours.
I ran into an issue where when returning a Media item directly in our controller, it was building our response as a stream but hitting memory allocation errors.
The reason for this is the functionality of fpassthru. It's designed to 'Output all remaining data on a file pointer' - https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fpassthru.php
This update uses feof/fread to instead chunk the output and clear the buffers, preventing memory issues.
I've also added a setter to allow modification of the chunk size. Example usage:
While I was in the project I've also added a helper method to get a stream for a conversion, this was something that we've been using in a project of ours.