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PR Proposal: Add mailable_arguments to the Campaign model #154

Closed jbraband closed 4 years ago

jbraband commented 4 years ago

My thinking with this is to add a mailable_arguments column to mailcoach_campaigns database table. It'll be the json datatype.

Campaign::useMailable() becomes this

public function useMailable(string $mailableClass, array $mailableArguments = []): self

      if (! is_a($mailableClass, CampaignMail::class, true)) {
          throw CouldNotSendCampaign::invalidMailableClass($this, $mailableClass);

      $this->update(['mailable_class' => $mailableClass, 'mailable_arguments' => $mailableArguments]);

      return $this;

Campaign::getMailable() becomes this

public function getMailable(): CampaignMail
    $mailableClass = $this->mailable_class ?? CampaignMail::class;

    $mailableArguments = $this->mailable_arguments ?? [];

      return app($mailableClass, $mailableArguments);

CampaignMail would need a constructor to take the arguments array and set it to a protected property. Now the build() method of our custom mailables have arguments injected into it from the Campaign.

I'm willing to put this together. I need this functionality and I think it makes sense to allow custom mailables to be parameterized from the developer's application.

my use case for parameterized Mailables is a campaign that sends emails about one specific article on our website. That article's id would be passed as an argument in this manner:

$campaign->useMailable(MyCustomMailable::class, ['article_id' => $article_id]);

Any modifications to this idea before I get to work on it?

jbraband commented 4 years ago

PR is submitted. I'm more than willing to help refine it!

jbraband commented 4 years ago

Here is how that is used. A sample custom Mailable:


namespace App\Mails;

use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;

use Spatie\Mailcoach\Mails\CampaignMail;

class SingleArticle extends CampaignMail
    use SerializesModels;

    protected int $article_id;

    public function __construct($article_id)
      $this->article_id = $article_id;

     * Build the message.
     * @return $this
    public function build()
      $article = code_fetch_article_data($this->article_id);

      return $this->view('single-article', compact('article'));

And this code to build the campaign and pass the Mailable and arguments:

$campaign = Campaign::create()
                       ->useMailable(SingleArticle::class, ['article_id' => 1000]);
freekmurze commented 4 years ago

We'll merge the PR when we'll start working on v3 in a couple of months.