spatie / mailcoach-support

Questions and support for Mailcoach
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Error: "Division by zero" error page on sending a new campaign #212

Closed connecteev closed 4 years ago

connecteev commented 4 years ago

Note that this is a copy of as I'm not sure what is the appropriate repo to report issues like this (I am finding more as I dig into Mailcoach). Please advise where I should report issues and/or close the other one. Thanks for your work on this package.

Steps: I just installed mailcoach as a package and tried to send some test campaigns.


with this error (note that about 20% of the time the error is not seen, no idea why) Note that the majority of the time, the campaign emails do get sent, despite the error page.

Division by zero (View: /Users/kp/backend_laravel/vendor/spatie/laravel-mailcoach/resources/views/app/campaigns/sent/summary.blade.php)

Screenshot: 🧨 Division by zero backend_laravel vendor spatie laravel-mailcoach resources views app campaigns sent summary blade php

freekmurze commented 4 years ago

We'll continue the conversation at laravel-mailcoach.

electronick86 commented 4 years ago

@freekmurze , can you tell me where can I follow this discussion? I have the same problem.

freekmurze commented 4 years ago

This problem has already been fixed in the latest version. Just run composer update to pull in the fix 👍

electronick86 commented 4 years ago

Thank you @freekmurze . Just had to php artisan view:clear ;-)