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Thumbnail Display Issue #42

Closed mddickens closed 2 years ago

mddickens commented 2 years ago

Pro Version: 9.8.1 Laravel Version: 8.63.0 PHP Version: 7.4.24

When using the x-media-library-collection component, I have no issue getting the image thumbnail to show up when adding the file, but when I bring the component up again to edit, replace or delete, all I get is the generic image for the file type. I can download the image by clicking on the link shown, so the image url is correct. I want the thumbnail to display for the customer so they can check that they've uploaded the correct image. Any ideas?

AdrianMrn commented 2 years ago

Try this solution!

mddickens commented 2 years ago

That's a dead link...404

AdrianMrn commented 2 years ago

@mddickens You need access to the Medialibrary Pro repository. Make sure you log in to GitHub with the account associated with the purchase.