spatie / period

Complex period comparisons
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Length with precision #18

Closed brendt closed 3 years ago

brendt commented 5 years ago

The length method always returns the length in days, instead of the precision of the period. An oversight by me. We're going to fix it and release a new major version.

My suggestion is the following:

One more thing I'm wondering about: should length return a simple integer, or should it return some kind of PeriodLength object, which also contains the precision?

jeromegamez commented 5 years ago

I'm definitely in favor of changing length() as you described.

Concerning the helper methods... I thought about that as well and was hoping to shamelessly plug my own package for inclusion πŸ˜…. If I'm able to convince you to include gamez/duration, we could add a method getDuration() to Period and perhaps get(Total)Duration() to PeriodCollection so that we could do even more comparisons/operations, e.g.

// ...

length() could then perhaps receive an optional precision mask parameter - the default would then be the precision that the Period was created with. This would avoid a possible cluttering of multiple lengthIn* methods.

brendt commented 5 years ago

Hi JΓ©rΓ΄me

That is a nice package, and I like the Duration idea! I'm a little hesitant to include a dependency in this package though πŸ€”

Would you consider merging the two packages into one? Please don't feel pressured to do so, I'm just thinking aloud.

jeromegamez commented 5 years ago

I totally understand you, itβ€˜s feels better having no external dependencies.

The thing is (speaking of dependencies): a period depends on two points in time (and has a duration), but a Duration depends just on time. (Itβ€˜s something that I realized while working on a tool that syncs working times from a duration based time tracking tool to a period based one, β€žI worked for a certain durationβ€œ vs β€žI worked from x to yβ€œ, meh)

I donβ€˜t feel pressured (rather honored, and at the same time β€žnoooo 😭) :)), but I think the duration package is good as a separate package, in case somebody only cares about durations, but not about periods.

That being said, that doesnβ€˜t mean we canβ€˜t copy the duration class into the Period package (unless I change the code license after writing this reply 😈). I would of course prefer not to (vanity πŸ˜…), but if you do, I can make a pull request introducing a Spatie\Period\Duration - it would probably be a little simpler and tied to/focused on the Period (no complicated constructor, for example), but could still turn out nice.

What do you think?

brendt commented 5 years ago

Let me think about it today, and I'll come back at it!

brendt commented 5 years ago

@jeromegamez I gave this some thought.

I don't think that adding an extra dependency to this package is an option, I'm sorry for that.

Though I do think that adding duration functionality would be a good feature. The way I see it, there are two options:

I've got another question for you, but I'll send it via mail.

jeromegamez commented 5 years ago

I'm happy to create a PR adding the duration functionality, I'll get to it this week, probably rather sooner than later ^^

jeromegamez commented 5 years ago

Good call for not including the duration package ^^ - I tried to implement it yesterday in the Period package and ran into deal breakers…

A duration (and for that matter a DateInterval) is a relative value, while a Period is based on absolute days. That causes problems when comparing periods like (2018-03-01, 2018-03-31) and (2018-04-01, 2018-04-30). When representing both periods as Duration/DateInterval, the value would be P1M (= 1 month). So while these two are equal in terms of being a full month, they are not in terms of the number of included days. Similar problem with weeks/days in a week.

Long story short: I don't think anymore that a Duration would be a good fit for the Period, and we should probably go with adding the comparison methods to the period directly.

It's a bummer πŸ˜…, but if you agree, I would start working towards that direction instead.

brendt commented 5 years ago

Ah yes, very good point! Let's see where implementing it in the Period class leads us! The class itself is quite large already, and I was thinking about adding some kind of PeriodComparator class. The way I imagined it, is that a Period would still have the same public API, but use PeriodComparator internally. But let's first focus on adding the functionality to the Period class for now, and look at refactoring it in a later stage.

jeromegamez commented 5 years ago

This is now unresolved again, but weβ€˜ll figure something out πŸ’ͺ

wh120 commented 4 years ago

Period::make('2018-01-01 08:00:00', '2018-01-01 10:00:00', Precision::MINUTE)->length() // =1 😒😭😒 😭😒😭😒😭😒😭😒😭😒😭😒😭😒😭😒😭😒😭😒😭😒😭😒😭😒😭😒😭😒😭😒😭😒

brendt commented 4 years ago

@wael120120 as a quick fix you could add your own lengthInMinutes helper by extending the Period class.

gshzn commented 3 years ago

I was just looking to get started on first open source contributions, and noticed this issue still being open.

Isn't this something that's fixed on the 2.0 branch using the precisionMask attribute on the Period class?

If not, please let me know. I'd be happy to take a further look at this.

brendt commented 3 years ago

I should look into it again, the truth is that we haven't had much need to finish v2 since we've never had a usecase besides days ourselves. Hence there's little need for us to push v2. But I hope to look into it soon-ish.

ameenross commented 3 years ago

If I may chime in with my humble opinion... PHP already has a DateInterval class, so it would be really cheap to add a function that returns one. We're talking a one-liner... return $this->start->diff($this->end);. In fact, the length function already makes use of that. I'm personally not a big fan of DateInterval, but it probably suits the needs of plenty of other users. Also, adding a separate function to do that means it's non-breaking.

Another common thing to do is to get the actual elapsed time between the dates. This makes use of Unix timestamps to ignore DST issues, and even timezone differences. $this->end->getTimestamp() - $this->start->getTimestamp(). Again, this could be a separate function to prevent BC breaks.

ameenross commented 3 years ago

Someone interested in using duration-php in tandem with period can just up-convert the DateInterval: Duration::make($period->getInterval());

brendt commented 3 years ago

will be fixed in v2