spatie / period

Complex period comparisons
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Get available time slots between periods #65

Closed amirakbulut closed 3 years ago

amirakbulut commented 3 years ago

Is this package sufficient enough to calculate timeslots between certain periods?

Let's say my business opens from 08:00 to 18:00 on a specific day, with a work break at 13:00 to 14:00.

This makes the following periods:

Period::make('2020-07-27 08:00', '2020-07-27 13:00', Precision::MINUTE);
Period::make('2020-07-27 14:00', '2020-07-27 18:00', Precision::MINUTE);

Now having those periods, how would I be able to generate an array of (e.g.) 15 minutes timeslots, that are available/gasps?

brendt commented 3 years ago

That's not possible yet, since the underlying iterator only supports days, not arbitrary precisions. Feel free to submit a tested PR if you want this functionality to be supported.

endelwar commented 2 years ago

I had the same issue and I resolved it with a splitter utility that makes use of Carbon\CarbonPeriod.



namespace App\Service;

use Carbon\CarbonInterface;
use Carbon\CarbonPeriod;
use Spatie\Period\PeriodCollection;

final class SlotSplitter
    private PeriodCollection $slots;

    public function __construct(PeriodCollection $slots)
        $this->slots = $slots;

    /** @return array<int, CarbonInterface|null> */
    public function split(int $minutes): array
        $splitPeriods = [];
        $interval = sprintf('%d minutes', $minutes);
        foreach ($this->slots as $item) {
            $carbonPeriod = CarbonPeriod::create($item->start(), $interval, $item->end());
            foreach ($carbonPeriod as $period) {
                $splitPeriods[$period->timestamp] = $period;

        return $splitPeriods;