spchuang / videojs-markers

Displays customizable markers upon progress bars of videojs players
MIT License
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HTML5 Video player doest not show markers tip on live server. Its working fine on localhost. #78

Open fahedusmanrana opened 6 years ago

fahedusmanrana commented 6 years ago

I have created a script for interactive video and I got some requirements to show markers in the process bar of video. I worked on that and it works perfectly on localhost but when I put it live, only markers are showing. The text with those markers is not showing. I have searched everywhere on google and lot on videojs guides but I am not able to fix it. Below is my code for creating markers:

<video width="100%" controls id="sgm_2" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" preload="auto">
                        <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
                        <source src="video.webm" type="video/webm">
                        <p class="vjs-no-js">Your browser does not support HTML5 video.</p>
var player = videojs('sgm_2');
                    display: true,
                    text: function(marker) {
                        return marker.text;
                    time: function(marker) {
                        return marker.time;
                    time: 10,
                    text: "Caption 1"
                    time: 20,
                    text: "Caption 2"
                    time: 30,
                    text: "Caption 3"
                    time: 40,
                    text: "Caption 4"

Can anyone please check what is the thing I am missing or what is wrong with this code? I have also used the funcltion of add instead of reset markers but no luck. I will appreciate any help.

Thank you.

spchuang commented 6 years ago

Hey, I"m happy to help.

Could you create a jsbin so I can debug it more closely online? Thanks

karan101292 commented 6 years ago

same here. markers are not showing after hosting. its working on localhost.

player = videojs('my-video');
player.on('ready', function(){
            markers: response.data,
            onMarkerReached: function (marker, index) {

Markers are coming from server.

spchuang commented 6 years ago

@karan101292, can you help create an example jsbin so i can repro online and debug?