spcl / pymlir

Python interface for MLIR - the Multi-Level Intermediate Representation
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Improve parser speed #33

Open ShivaShankarMovidius opened 6 months ago

ShivaShankarMovidius commented 6 months ago

I am currently using pymlir to parse an mlir file with quite a bit of custom dialects used in the mlir file. A file ~2200 lines takes about 5 mins to parse and generate an MLIRFile object when i use the parse_string command. Are there any suggestions or strategies to improve the parser speed?

tbennun commented 6 months ago

I'm not sure where the problem stems from. The best approach would be to profile the Python code.

A timeline profiler like py-spy could be very useful. Please let us know what you find out!

ShivaShankarMovidius commented 6 months ago

sure, ill work on this and keep you posted @tbennun. I might need some time to get back. So, it would be great if you can kindly leave the issue open.

ShivaShankarMovidius commented 5 months ago

@tbennun, circling back to this topic again. The following is the specific usage model of pymlir for my usecase. I define custom dialects using DialectOp and DialectType classes to define the syntax's for the dialect that I would like to parse. The MLIR file that I parse doesnt use any of the standard dialects which pymlir supports.

I did not profile the code with py-spy. Instead I just tried some high level optimizations which improved the parsing speed by ~25%. My target was to understand how parsing speed is related to the number of rules.

  1. Remove support for all standard dialects.
  2. Modified the lark file to remove rules associated with affine dialect.

There are couple of things that I am working on currently.

  1. Figuring out the organization of the grammar. mlir.lark seems to be more rule heavy than being a combination of terminal + rules. I am looking to see if making modifications to the lark grammar improves parsing time.
  2. I raised an issue within the lark community to address the same topic. I need to look into some of the recommendations that have been suggested by the lark team. Ill keep you posted on how that's progressing.

As a next step, I would like to get to know your thoughts on the topics below.

  1. Is it possible to allow end users to pass their own lark grammar definitions? This can be easily done through command line arguments. I see 3 possible flows here. a. Out of the box flow - Allow end users to reuse mlir.lark (this is the current flow) b. Modified lark grammar definition - Allow end users to define their own mlir.lark (default mlir.lark is superseded) - something similar to what I am doing. c. Append multiple lark grammar definition - Append users grammar into the default mlir.lark definition - This might allow users to build on existing grammar. I dont know if there is a usecase for this. But presenting this as an option.
  2. Is it possible to have an option of defining which of the standard dialects are used by pymlir. For e.g., in my case, I dont use any of them. Since the current pymlir flow uses all of the standard dialects by default it just increases the number of rules that you are trying to process. If there is a possibility to specify the dialects that an end user needs, the Parser class can add those specific rules accordingly instead of adding everything by default.
  3. Is it possible to allow building on the transformer class if in case end users want to do this? e.g., If i write a rule in lark, I need to define how the transformer class processes it. Currently the Parser class and the Transformer class are quite closely coupled. Overall, updating 1) should allow this to happen organically.
tbennun commented 5 months ago

Thank you very much for looking into this, @ShivaShankarMovidius!

I think you and the Lark team are both right that the file is not very efficient right now. I focused on matching the documentation rather than parsing performance, and didn't feel a performance difference on the small files I'm parsing. Additionally, I don't remember any "optimization / best practices" guidelines in the Lark project, which would have been great.

The rules can be simplified quite a lot (definitely in terms of tree shaping, which should reduce overheads). I also tried LALR first and switched to Earley encountering the same issue (might have to do with the recursive rule mentioned in the issue).

As for your questions:

I have a suggestion that would address questions (1) and (2): We can split mlir.lark into a mlir-syntax.lark for the basic syntax, and a lark file for each dialect. One could then choose a list of dialects (or pass in an empty list for a "lean" parser), where the default would be all the core dialects. This would add to the dialects argument of Parser. In any case, the normal form of MLIR (with ops in quotation marks) would always work regardless of the dialect, just not the custom syntactic sugar. What do you think?

For (3), I am not exactly sure what you mean. Do you have an example of such a use case? One way to cleanly pass a custom transformer would be to have a transformer keyword argument in Parser that defaults to the class TreeToMlir and can accept a class or an object.

I would still look at the code through py-spy if I were you, just to make sure which part of the code is taking all the time (i.e., is it regex, tree depth, etc.)

ShivaShankarMovidius commented 5 months ago

Hi @tbennun, many thanks for getting back to me with your thoughts. Neither did I find any document on any best practice to define lark grammar. Probably, something worth giving them as a feedback.

My proposal would be to do a 2-step process.

1) Make pymlir class flexible to consume some arguments to make it lean. 2) Update the lark grammar definition to further improve the parser prerformance.

In regards to starting with 1), I would like to propose adding the following arguments to pymlir class.

--lark - This could be a lark file that end users want to provide. If this is not provided, we could default to mlir.lark --std_dialects <its a sequence of strings separated by comma. this could be any combination from STANDARD_DIALECT> --transformer , defaults to TreetoMLIR()

I feel this could be a sequential improvement in reusing the current codebase rather than redefining lark definitions for all the dialects. The high level pseudocode that I envision for Parser class is as follows:

class Parser(object):
    def __init__(self, dialects: Optional[List[Dialect]] = None, std_dialects: List[str] = STANDARD_DIALECTS, lark: Optional = None, transformer: TreetoMLIR):
        self.dialects = dialects or []
        self.lark = lark 
        self.std_dialects = std_dialects
        self.transformer = transformer # 

        # Lazy-load (if necessary) the Lark files
        if self.lark == None:
            _lazy_load() # Load mlir.lark / mlir-syntax.lark
            _lazy_load(self.lark) # Load a custom mlir.lark defined by end users

        for dialect in [self.std_dialects, self.dialects]:
              # Add the rules in to pymlir_dialect_ops / pymlir_dialect_types

        # Create parser and tree transformer
        self.parser = Lark(parser_src, parser='earley')
        self.transformer = transformer

       # Need to make sure transformer is a derivative of TreetoMLIR class

In this way, all requirements from 1 - 3 can be easily satisfied. Even if you decide to split mlir.lark into multiple files, that can go in as an incremental change.

Can I get back towards the end of the week on code profiling?

ShivaShankarMovidius commented 5 months ago

Hi @tbennun. The following is the output from cProfile when I ran the code on pymlir. Looks like a big portion of the program is spent on the parsing portion of the code. I am not sure if I will be able to share the complete output from cProfile. But a glimpse of maximum time spent across a range of functions is shown below.

tbennun commented 5 months ago

@ShivaShankarMovidius looks like using LALR would yield the largest performance gain then.

For your API suggestion, I would propose the following:

class Parser(object):
    def __init__(self, dialects: Optional[List[Dialect]] = None,
                 std_dialects: List[str] = STANDARD_DIALECTS,
                 transformer: Union[Type[Transformer], Transformer] = TreetoMLIR):
      # ...
      if isinstance(transformer, type):  # Type
        self.transformer = transformer()
     else:  # Object
        self.transformer = transformer

I also don't see how passing in a custom lark file makes sense. You could potentially pass in a lark file that is not MLIR-related.

ShivaShankarMovidius commented 5 months ago

Hi @tbennun. Yes, I agree with you. Looks like LALR will be the best way to move forward to improve the performance of pymlir parser.

I've currently developed 2 modes of operation. The first flow parses a complete MLIR file while the second flow performs preprocessing to extract information at a lower level granularity from an mlirfile (say per function / operator) and iteratively use parse_string() to parse the mlir grammar. In this way, I am able to linearize the complexity by hierarchically parsing an mlir file. I also removed a set of rules from mlir.lark associated with mlirfile / function etc. to make the grammar lean for achieving latter. So, long story short, if any user like me wants to remove specific rules, the option of passing their own modified mlir.lark is a possibility with my proposal. I also foresee another usecase where it would be a possibility for users to append custom rules to mlir.lark and not always go through the DialectOp / DialectType flow. Writing custom rules through lark allows to define specific priorities for rules and I see this as an added advantage.

tbennun commented 5 months ago

I see, it makes sense that you’d want a different file. Since your behavior is general purpose, why not have a class hierarchy where a BaseParser takes in a lark file, Parser that parses everything, and a ModuleHierarchyParser/FunctionParser that gives a module hierarchy?

ShivaShankarMovidius commented 5 months ago

I don't see a need for 2 separate parser classes. The lark file just needs 1 modification to update the root node of the Tree by modifying the start rule in the lark grammar.


Thats the reason for which I proposed a single parser class which consumes a lark file as an input. But I understand your concern on a potential possibility where someone can pass an invalid lark grammar file. I don't know a way in which we can distinguish between a valid and an invalid lark grammar in its current form.

tbennun commented 5 months ago

then you can add an Enum of something like:

from enum import Enum, auto # or just autoenum
class ParsingKind(Enum):
    ALL = auto()

and use that to pick a starting rule.

ShivaShankarMovidius commented 5 months ago

The root node is defined in lark grammar and not the python file. If you have a strong feeling for the Parser to not consume a lark file as an input, thats ok with me.

Would you like me to work on this and push a PR on the parser modifications?

tbennun commented 5 months ago

That would be great, thank you

ShivaShankarMovidius commented 5 months ago

Sure, I'll get this sorted. I will do that following.

  1. Reorganize the parser class as we discussed.
  2. Possibly split up mlir.lark into mlir_syntax.lark / mlir_affine.lark.
  3. Parser class would always load mlir_syntax.lark by default and only use mlir_affine.lark when any of the standard dialects are used. I will leave more detailed conditional checking to you.

I wont be able to spend time on optimizing the mlir grammar for LALR. If you can help me on that, it would be really great.