spd789562 / Maplestory-Boss-Crystal-Calculator

Boss Crystal Calculator for Maplestory, calculating best choices for 180(custom count) intense power crystal per week.
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Suggestions regarding Boss Clear Counts and upcoming Reboot changes in GMS #13

Open enrong2000 opened 2 years ago

enrong2000 commented 2 years ago


Thanks for providing us with this nice calculator and I've recommended this to many of my friends. They said that the calculator helped a lot when calculating the best solution for selling Intense Power Crystals. However, they still pointed out some issues and suggestions which I'll list below.

The first thing is about the upcoming crystal prices for GMS Reboot. As Nexon had announced in the GMS Update Roadmap here indicating that the Reboot Multiplier will be increased from 3x to 5x with the Summer Update (DESTINY) which should be live on late June 15th (UTC).

The second thing is about the Boss Clear Counts. For example, I have 2 characters that can solo Hard Lotus and 5 characters that can only do Normal Lotus. The calculator can only register one difficulty of Lotus (any of the weekly bosses) only so it can't satisfy my requests. Also, as the calculator is considering all Boss Clear as SOLO, I can't register the Bosses I carried my guildies. It may be a better way to add a chart for each boss where we can add some detailed information in order to make the calculator more accurate.

Hope the things mentioned above can help with improving this calculator. Thanks in advance!

spd789562 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the advice, first, maybe I'll change Reboot Switch to multiply input or something like that to make it more convenient, but clear count and team shared value are a little complicated. I'm not sure what UI should be, but I copied the old one to resolve the team share problem, only for one character though.

But I don't have the time recently, until then you guys can ignore Reboot Switch Button and multiply the result.

enrong2000 commented 2 years ago

Considering the clear count and team shared-value problem, there is an easy solution, which is to consider boss taken down by multiple players as a new boss instead of making another UI to input this complicated information.

For example, we can divide Lotus into 12 bosses as listed below. Users can register characters to their correct situations.

Normal Lotus (Cleared as solo) Normal Lotus (Cleared with a party size of 2) Normal Lotus (Cleared with a party size of 3) Normal Lotus (Cleared with a party size of 4) Normal Lotus (Cleared with a party size of 5) Normal Lotus (Cleared with a party size of 6) Hard Lotus (Cleared as solo) Hard Lotus (Cleared with a party size of 2) Hard Lotus (Cleared with a party size of 3) Hard Lotus (Cleared with a party size of 4) Hard Lotus (Cleared with a party size of 5) Hard Lotus (Cleared with a party size of 6)