spdx / Spdx-Java-Library

Java library which implements the Java object model for SPDX and provides useful helper functions
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TemplateRegexMatcher.getStartRegex sometimes returns a regex that matches with an index before the license start #244

Open sdheh opened 2 weeks ago

sdheh commented 2 weeks ago

Version 1.1.11 Example 1 greedy regex after optional:

String licenseText = "ab cd text";
String licenseTemplate = "<<beginOptional>>cd<<endOptional>> <<var;name=\"copyright\";original=\"Copyright (c) <year> <copyright holders>  \";match=\".{0,5000}\">> text";
TemplateRegexMatcher templateRegexMatcher = new TemplateRegexMatcher(licenseTemplate);
String startRegex = templateRegexMatcher.getStartRegex(25);
System.out.println("start regex: " + startRegex);
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(startRegex).matcher(licenseText);
if (matcher.find()) {
    System.out.println("start index found: " + matcher.start());


start regex: (?im)(\Qcd\E\s*)?(.{0,5000})\Qtext\E\s*
start index found: 0

but the start index should be 3.

Example 2 greedy regex at start:

String licenseText = "abtext";
String licenseTemplate = "<<var;name=\"copyright\";original=\"Copyright (c) <year> <copyright holders>  \";match=\".{0,5000}\">> text";
TemplateRegexMatcher templateRegexMatcher = new TemplateRegexMatcher(licenseTemplate);
String startRegex = templateRegexMatcher.getStartRegex(25);
System.out.println("start regex: " + startRegex);
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(startRegex).matcher(licenseText);
if (matcher.find()) {
    System.out.println("start index found: " + matcher.start());


start regex: (?im)(.?{0,5000})\Qtext\E\s*
start index found: 1

but the start index should be 2. .?{0,5000} doesn't seem to work as expected. It is an unusual regex that some online regex websites say is invalid: https://regex101.com/r/l3810b/1, regexr.com/81kfo. https://www.freeformatter.com/java-regex-tester.html says the regular expression is valid.

I think maybe to fix this you could just offer a method for a regex to find the beginning of the non-optional part. Otherwise a changing the regular expressions in these two cases to something like the following could work


In the first case if there were multiple optional parts it would get even more complicated to do it correctly.

goneall commented 1 week ago

Now that I review this issue, I do tend to agree that this is an issue if the method is being used without following on with the template matcher.

@sdheh - It looks like you have a pretty good handle on approaches to fix this. Can you create a pull request?