spdx / license-list-XML

This is the repository for the master files that comprise the SPDX License List
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Discrepancies between GPL 1.0 & 2.0 canonical texts and their associated SPDX templates #2568

Open pmonks opened 3 hours ago

pmonks commented 3 hours ago

There are discrepancies between FSF's canonical GPL-1.0 and GPL-2.0 texts and their associated SPDX templates that cause matching to fail in downstream software that performs matching.


Note: if the SPDX project has contacts over at the FSF it may be worth asking them if it might be possible to notify the SPDX project whenever they make changes of any kind to their license texts (even/especially "legally irrelevant" ones). Previous issues (including #2430, #2204, #1995, #1973, #1972) suggest that the FSF are quite liberal about making such changes and thereby inadvertently breaking SPDX license matching randomly.

pmonks commented 3 hours ago

It appears the same issue exists in the (old) LGPL variants too:

The LGPL-3.0-* SPDX templates appear to be aligned with the FSF's canonical LGPL-3.0 text, however. This issue also isn't relevant for the AGPL, since there's only a single version of that published by the FSF (AGPL-3.0).