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AI: New entries in SafetyRiskAssessmentType to accommodate risk levels in EU AI Act #650

Open bact opened 9 months ago

bact commented 9 months ago

SPDX 3.0 AI Profile has safetyRiskAssessment [1] for level of risk posed by an AI software. Its type is safetyRiskAssessmentType [2] which can have one of these values:

These values are from EU General Risk Assessment Methodology [3].

EU AI Act (Draft 26 Jan 2024) [4] has four levels of risk:


Different risk level comes with different obligations. An AI system that posed an unacceptable risk is prohibited in the EU. See summary in [5].

While there are similarities between risk levels in SPDX 3.0 and EU AI Act, they are not exactly the same.

In order to accommodate EU AI Act risk levels, we may need to either:

1) Extend enumeration in safetyRiskAssessmentType; or 2) Allow safetyRiskAssessment to have another type (in addition to safetyRiskAssessmentType), where that new type will have a list of EU AI Act four levels of risk/obligations

Other possibilities?


[1] https://github.com/spdx/spdx-3-model/blob/main/model/AI/Properties/safetyRiskAssessment.md [2] https://github.com/spdx/spdx-3-model/blob/main/model/AI/Vocabularies/SafetyRiskAssessmentType.md [3] Page 5 https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/17107/attachments/1/translations/en/renditions/pdf [4] https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-5662-2024-INIT/en/pdf [5] https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/regulatory-framework-ai

kestewart commented 9 months ago

We took our definitions of the Risk levels from: https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/17107/attachments/1/translations/en/renditions/pdf Where they are fairly precise about what they mean.

The terminology section (2.1) introduces the risk level terms we've used. Table 2 on p. describes the abstract levels definitions, that correspond to the defined risk levels in 2.1. Table 4 makes it explicit when each of the defined risk levels should be use.

In the EU AI act is there such a table for defining when unacceptable, high, limited, and minimal should be used?

My guess at this point is Unacceptable == serious High = high Limited = medium Minimal = low

Not sure why they didn't align with the EU risk definition, and created their own terms.

That being said - we need to clean up our definition in the specification to be closer to those in Table 2 I think, so it's not so ambiguous to just have keywords on their own.

bact commented 9 months ago

Thanks Kate. I will try to provide some further information here so people can give more of their thoughts.

Risk level categorisation

(Page numbers in this section are based on the most recent draft [dated 26 Jan 2024] of the EU AI Act, available publicly at https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-5662-2024-INIT/en/pdf )

Unacceptable risk


Limited risk

Minimal or no risk

bact commented 9 months ago

Discussed in AI Profile WG meeting 2024-03-06. No conclusion yet. But the meeting agree in that the AI Profile should be generic and if there's a need for jurisdiction-specific, a subprofile may be possible.

kestewart commented 8 months ago

Let's discuss this in the meeting. Possibly we should adjust 3.0's risk to be "General Risk", so we leave a spot for "AI Risk" to emerge in future, without being a breaking change? Thoughts?

bact commented 8 months ago


We can keep the 4 risk types (levels) as they are now. And probably rename the property to generalRiskAssessment for 3.0.

bennetkl commented 8 months ago

@bact @kestewart After re-reading Arthit's detailed explanation, I can see an issues for obtaining EU AI Act compliance in an easy manner since there isn't a direct mapping. If I wanted to scan an AI BOM to audit for a specific country regulations then a generic risk level isn't going to help with that process. I'm going to raise this issue with EU Project Office. Ideally we need them to unify the definitions. But for the short term, maybe we have two fields in SPDX AI Profile, one with name of useRiskAssessment to capture the EU AI (Risk levels in EU AI Act are based on 1) its use [for example, Article 5] 2) intended purpose [Article 6] or 3) its design [Article 52a(2)]) . or we can different types of risk options, ie. AIAct_medium, AIAct_restricted. or anyone else have an idea?

bact commented 8 months ago

PR #675 is open to make it more explicit in the description of safetyRiskAsssement property that the current categorization is according to EU General Risk Assessment Methodology, and not the EU AI Act. As agreed in 20 March 2024 AI Team meeting.