spdx / spdx-spec

The SPDX specification in MarkDown and HTML formats.
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Annex H (SPDX File Tags), but for snippets #852

Open Artoria2e5 opened 1 year ago

Artoria2e5 commented 1 year ago

There may be a point in extending Annex H to cover snippets, so these concatenated javascript files can have a machine-readable licensing information for each range. (Having markers embedded into the file is more robust to edits, but then the file is probably not auto-generated and I am running out of examples.)

Now the question is to decide how to mark snippets. If we are okay with making SnippetSPDXID mandatory, we can say that each snippet starts with a SPDX-SnippetSPDXID: and ends with the next SPDX-SnippetSPDXID. It would be good to have something that ends a snippet without beginning one.

There's also the question of actually marking the license. We can either use the snippet properties (SPDX-LicenseInfoInSnippet: and friends), or just say that Annex E SPDX-License-Identifier: is scoped.