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Suggested naming convention for SPDX v3 files #987

Open bact opened 1 month ago

bact commented 1 month ago

SPDX v2 has a suggested naming convention:

Format Extension
tag:value *.spdx
RDF *.spdx.rdf
JSON *.spdx.json
XML *.spdx.xml
YAML .spdx.yaml or .spdx.yml

According to https://spdx.github.io/spdx-spec/v2.3/conformance/#44-standard-data-format-requirements it "should be easy to recognize in a file system without opening the file."

Will the naming convention be the same for SPDX v3?

Or do we like to have something like *.spdx3.* to differentiate the version?

Currently, Example 13 in spdx-examples repo uses example13.spdx3.json

This may appear in "Serialization" chapter of standard.

bact commented 1 month ago

From Outreach meeting 2024-07-22, OMG needs that a file should have only one extension (i.e. *.spdx or *.json, but not *.spdx.json)

bact commented 1 month ago

In 3.0.1, suggested name will be in "5.12 Standard data format requirements" subsection of Conformance chapter


kestewart commented 3 weeks ago

This information has been removed from Conformance chapter - so keeping this open until we handle serialization and documentation.

goneall commented 1 week ago

Suggestion is to add to the https://github.com/spdx/spdx-spec/blob/development/v3.0.1/docs/serializations.md page.

We can move this to 3.1 to allow for more time to discuss.

zvr commented 1 week ago

I also vote to leave it unspecified for now, and at some point in the future (3.1?) come up with all the corresponding entries (filenames, media types, etc.)