spdy-http2 / node-spdy

SPDY server on Node.js
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socket closes before a push stream is able to finish #162

Closed jonathanong closed 10 years ago

jonathanong commented 10 years ago

i've been debugging why some of my push streams have been getting truncated. realized that it's because i haev much larger push streams (say 200kb) whereas my request is being sent immediately with a 204 status code. my events look like this:

body: resume
body: open
body: data
body: pause
socket: closed
body: destroyed (because the socket is closed)
body: readable
body: close
stream: _chunkDone
stream: drain
body: data
body: pause
stream: _chunkDone
stream: drain

where body.pipe(pushStream). how do i avoid the socket from being closed until all the current push streams are pushed? i don't get this issue when pushing smaller files.

another possibility is that an error is occuring somewhere as the push stream actually emits RST_STREAM: 3.

indutny commented 10 years ago

Well, any push stream could be RSTed by browser, they are optional after all. Are you experiencing this stuff with browser?

jonathanong commented 10 years ago

naw this is all node-spdy. i monkey patched all the .destroy()s to see what's going on, and they only occur after the socket closes. haven't checked the browser yet

indutny commented 10 years ago

What do you mean by socket? Underlying TCP connection?

jonathanong commented 10 years ago

yeah. res.socket. i don't tknow what's going on so i hijacked all the .emit()s to see what events are being emitted.

indutny commented 10 years ago

res.socket is a SPDY stream, not a underlying TCP socket. Could you please paste a test case that reproduces the problem?

jonathanong commented 10 years ago

yeah give me a bit

jonathanong commented 10 years ago

created this in the root directory of this lib:

var fs = require('fs');
var zlib = require('zlib');
var util = require('util');
var https = require('https');

var keys = require('./test/fixtures/keys');
var spdy = require('./');

spdy.createServer(keys, function (req, res) {
  res.statusCode = 204;

  console.log('response sent!');
  emit(req.socket, 'server socket')

  var stream = res.push('/fontawesome-webfont.svg', {
    'content-type': 'image/svg+xml',
    'content-encoding': 'gzip'
  stream.once('acknowledge', function () {
    .once('finish', function () {
      // res.end();
    // res.end();
  emit(stream, 'push stream')
}).listen(function () {
  var agent = spdy.createAgent({
    host: 'localhost',
    port: this.address().port,
    rejectUnauthorized: false,

  emit(agent, 'agent')
  .once('push', function (stream) {
    emit(stream, 'pushed stream')

  var req = https.request({
    path: '/',
    method: 'POST',
    agent: agent,
  .once('response', function (response) {
    emit(response, 'response')
  emit(req, 'request')

function emit(stream, name) {
  var emit = stream.emit
  stream.emit = function (event) {
    console.log(name + ' emitted: ' + event)
    emit.apply(stream, arguments)
  return stream

using this file:

curl -O https://cdn.rawgit.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/v4.1.0/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg

basically, the events emittred are:

agent emitted: newListener
request emitted: socket
request emitted: prefinish
request emitted: finish
response sent!
server socket emitted: resume
server socket emitted: readable
server socket emitted: end
server socket emitted: close
request emitted: response
response emitted: resume
response emitted: readable
response emitted: end
request emitted: close

so the push stream on the server is in fact never acknowledged because the socket is closed immediately after the response from the server is sent.

jonathanong commented 10 years ago

the tests never fail because your run() in your stream-test.js never called res.end(), so it keeps the socket open indefinately.

so either the server and/or the the client is prematurely closing the socket, or i'm doing something wrong. the only time it actually works if i do res.end() only after stream.once('finish'), which i wouldn't do in real life because that kind of defeats the purpose of push streams

jonathanong commented 10 years ago

nevermind. i got it. apparently i wrote the test not exactly how i was writing my code. i was listening to socket.on('close') to cleanup stuff, but apparently that's not how the socket works... because it's a different socket.