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SPEAR: A Simulator for Photorealistic Embodied AI Research
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unreal python script to validate scene data structure #252

Closed rwang15 closed 12 months ago

mikeroberts3000 commented 1 year ago
H:\code\local\UnrealEngine\UE_5.2\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Python3\Win64\python.exe -m pip install --disable-pip-version-check --no-warn-script-location -e F:\code\github\spear\third_party\msgpack-rpc-python
H:\code\local\UnrealEngine\UE_5.2\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Python3\Win64\python.exe -m pip install --disable-pip-version-check --no-warn-script-location -e F:\code\github\spear\python
import numpy as np
import pathlib
import posixpath
import unreal
import spear

def validate_level(level):

    # TODO:
    # We name each scene using a lower_case_with_underscore naming convention and a four
    # digit suffix (e.g., "apartment_0000", "apartment_0001", etc).


def validate_content_browser(level):

    # TODO:
    # There should be exactly one umap file with the same name as the scene in the scene's
    # Maps directory. Our code imposes this requirement to support loading scenes by name.

    # TODO:
    # The "Content Browser" should not contain unreferenced assets, except for in the
    # "Debug" directory.


def validate_outliner(level):

    editor_actor_subsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.EditorActorSubsystem)

    # TODO: use args to decide whether or not to use selected actors
    # if args.validate_selected_actors:
    #     actors = editor_actor_subsystem.get_selected_level_actors()
    # else:
    #     actors = editor_actor_subsystem.get_all_level_actors()

    actors = sorted(editor_actor_subsystem.get_all_level_actors(), key=(lambda actor: get_debug_string_actor(actor)))

    for actor in actors:
        validate_actor(level, actor)

def validate_actor(level, actor):

    # Actors that are useful for debugging are kept here.
    # All Actors that represent non-trivial scene geometry are kept here.
    # All navigation-related Actors are kept here. There must be at least one RecastNavMesh 
    # Actor in the scene in order to use the navmesh functionality in our Python API.
    # All rendering-related Actors are kept here. For convenience, we allow content here to 
    # deviate from our usual naming conventions.
    # All settings-related Actors are kept here.  For convenience, we allow content here to 
    # deviate from our usual naming conventions.
    # All of our custom Widgets are kept here.

    path = pathlib.PurePosixPath(str(actor.get_folder_path())).parts

    if len(path) < 1:
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected path: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor))

    if path[0] not in ["Debug", "Meshes", "Navigation", "Rendering", "Settings", "Widgets"]:
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected path: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor))

    if path[0] in ["Meshes", "Rendering"]:
        if len(path) != 2:
            spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected path: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor))

    if path[0] in ["Navigation", "Settings", "Widgets"]:
        if len(path) != 1:
            spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected path: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor))

    if path[0] == "Meshes":

        # We create a subdirectory for each semantic category using a lower_case_with_underscore
        # naming convention and a four digit prefix that represents the category's integer ID.
        # We assign each Actor to a particular semantic category by placing the Actor in that
        # category's subdirectory. Semantic ID 0 is reserved and should not be used here. If an
        # Actor has multiple StaticMeshComponents that should have different categories, the
        # category of individual StaticMeshComponents can be overridden. In this case, the Actor
        # should be assigned to whatever subdirectory is most convenient, i.e., requires the least
        # number of per-component overrides.
        # We choose to encode semantic annotations via this directory structure, because it
        # makes it especially easy to browse each scene in the Unreal Editor. For example,
        # using this directory structure, a user can easily select all objects in a particular
        # semantic category and make them invisible, thereby making it easier to browse the
        # rest of the scene.

        semantic_category = path[1].split("_")

        if len(semantic_category) < 2:
            spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected path: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor))

        if len(semantic_category[0]) != 4 or not semantic_category[0].isdigit():
            spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected path: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor))

        if int(semantic_category[0]) == 0:
            spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected path: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor))

        actor_label = actor.get_actor_label().split("_")
        if actor_label[:-1] != semantic_category[1:]:
            spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected path: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor))

        # The type of each actor in my_scene_0000/Meshes should be StaticMeshActor if it is not
        # articulated, and Actor if it is articulated. It is necessary to use the Actor type for
        # articulated actors so they can be correctly physically simulated. Although it is not
        # strictly necessary to use the StaticMeshActor type for non-articulated actors,
        # StaticMeshActors and Actors have different icons in the Outliner pane, so we use
        # different types to visually differentiate them.

        if type(actor) != unreal.Actor and type(actor) != unreal.StaticMeshActor:
            spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected type: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), " (", get_debug_string_type(type(actor)), ")")

        # The pivot location of each StaticMeshActor should be set according to the
        # following rules. The xy-coordinates of the actor's pivot should equal the
        # xy-coordinates of the actor's axis-aligned bounding box center, and the
        # z-coordinate of the pivot should equal the minimum z-coordinate of its
        # axis-aligned bounding box. Having a consistent convention here makes it easier
        # to programmatically spawn objects, and this is the convention for various props
        # that ship with the Unreal Engine (e.g., the props in our "debug_0000" scene).
        # All the rules for StaticMeshActors described above also apply to Actors.

        # ignore components from bounds computation if they don't have a mesh assigned, or if their assigned mesh is SM_Dummy
        ignore_components = [
            c for c in actor.get_components_by_class(unreal.StaticMeshComponent) if
            c.get_editor_property("static_mesh") is None or
            c.get_editor_property("static_mesh").get_path_name() == "/Game/Common/Meshes/SM_Dummy.SM_Dummy" ]

        # for each ignored component, cache "use_default_collision" and "collision_enabled" properties
        ignore_use_default_collision = {
            c.get_name(): c.get_editor_property("use_default_collision") for c in ignore_components }
        ignore_collision_enabled = {
            c.get_name(): c.get_editor_property("body_instance").get_editor_property("collision_enabled") for c in ignore_components }

        # disable collision on each ignored component
        for c in ignore_components:
            c.set_editor_property("use_default_collision", False)
            c.get_editor_property("body_instance").set_editor_property("collision_enabled", unreal.CollisionEnabled.NO_COLLISION)

        # compute bounds
        bounds_origin, bounds_half_extent = actor.get_actor_bounds(only_colliding_components=True, include_from_child_actors=False)

        # for each ignored component, restore "use_default_collision" and "collision_enabled" properties
        for c in ignore_components:
            c.set_editor_property("use_default_collision", ignore_use_default_collision[c.get_name()])
            c.get_editor_property("body_instance").set_editor_property("collision_enabled", ignore_collision_enabled[c.get_name()])

        # check pivot location against computed bounds
        eps = 0.000001
        bounds_origin = vector_to_numpy(bounds_origin)
        bounds_half_extent = vector_to_numpy(bounds_half_extent)
        pivot_desired = np.array([bounds_origin[0], bounds_origin[1], bounds_origin[2] - bounds_half_extent[2]])
        pivot_actual = vector_to_numpy(actor.get_actor_location())
        if np.linalg.norm(pivot_desired - pivot_actual) > eps:
                "WARNING: Unexpected pivot: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor),
                " (desired=", pivot_desired, ", actual=", pivot_actual, ")")

        if type(actor) == unreal.Actor:
            validate_meshes_actor(level, actor)
        if type(actor) == unreal.StaticMeshActor:
            validate_meshes_static_mesh_actor(level, actor)

    if path[0] == "Rendering":
        if path[1] not in ["Fog", "Lights", "Sky"]:
            spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected path: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor))

def validate_meshes_actor(level, actor):

    if len(actor.get_components_by_class(unreal.PhysicsConstraintComponent)) == 0:
        spear.log("WARNING: Expected physics constraint: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor))

    components = actor.get_components_by_class(unreal.ActorComponent)
    for component in components:
        if type(component) == unreal.LightComponent:
            validate_light_component(level, actor, component)
        if type(component) == unreal.PhysicsConstraintComponent:
            validate_physics_constraint_component(level, actor, component)
        if type(component) == unreal.SceneComponent:
            validate_scene_component(level, actor, component)
        if type(component) == unreal.StaticMeshComponent:
            validate_static_mesh_component(level, actor, component)

def validate_meshes_static_mesh_actor(level, actor):

    if len(actor.get_components_by_class(unreal.PhysicsConstraintComponent)) != 0:
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected physics constraint: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor))

    components = actor.get_components_by_class(unreal.ActorComponent)
    for component in components:
        if type(component) == unreal.LightComponent:
            validate_light_component(level, actor, component)
        if type(component) == unreal.StaticMeshComponent:
            validate_static_mesh_component(level, actor, component)

def validate_light_component(level, actor, component):

    if len(component.get_parent_components()) == 0:
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected component: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", component)

    component_name = component.get_name().split("_")

    if len(component_name) != 2:
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected component name: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

    if component_name[0] != "light":
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected component name: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

    if len(component_name[1]) != 4 or not component_name[1].isdigit():
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected component name: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

def validate_physics_constraint_component(level, actor, component):

    if len(component.get_parent_components()) == 0:
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected component: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

    component_name = component.get_name().split("_")

    if len(component_name) != 3:
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected component name: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

    if component_name[0:2] != ["physics", "constraint"]:
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected component name: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

    if len(component_name[2]) != 4 or not component_name[2].isdigit():
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected component name: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

    component_name1 = component.get_editor_property("component_name1")
    component_name2 = component.get_editor_property("component_name2")

    if component_name1 is None or component_name2 is None:
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected physics constraint name: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

    component_name1_name = component_name1.get_editor_property("component_name")
    component_name2_name = component_name2.get_editor_property("component_name")

    if component_name1_name == "None" or component_name2_name == "None":
            "WARNING: Unexpected physics constraint name 1: ",
            get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", component_name1_name, ")")

    # A UrdfJointComponent represents a joint, and is implemented as a derived class of
    # PhysicsConstraintComponent with additional state and functionality. Each joint connects
    # a parent and a child component, and the joint component itself should be a sibling of
    # the child component it is connecting. In our guidelines, we do not allow joints to
    # connect sibling components, or grandparents and grandchildren, even though this would
    # be permitted in Unreal, because this type of joint cannot always be simulated
    # efficiently in other physics engines.

    # When configuring a joint, the convention in Unreal is for "Component 1" to be the child and
    # "Component 2" to be the parent. This convention is relevant, e.g., when the "Parent Dominates"
    # option is enabled on the joint.

    parent = component.get_attach_parent()

    if component_name1_name not in [ c.get_name() for c in parent.get_children_components(include_all_descendants=False) ]:
            "WARNING: Unexpected physics constraint name 1, ",
            get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", component_name1_name, ")")

    if component_name2_name != parent.get_name():
            "WARNING: Unexpected physics constraint name 2: ",
            get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", component_name2_name, ")")

def validate_scene_component(level, actor, component):

    # Each Actor has a root component named "DefaultSceneRoot".

    if len(component.get_parent_components()) != 0:
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected component: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

    if component.get_name() != "DefaultSceneRoot":
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected component name: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

def validate_static_mesh_component(level, actor, component):

    # For each StaticMeshComponent, the "Collision Presets" option should be set to
    # "Default". This configures the collision behavior of the component to be
    # determined by the options on the underlying mesh, rather than the options on
    # the component itself.

    if not component.get_editor_property("use_default_collision"):
        spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected collision presets: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

    component_name = component.get_name().split("_")

    # Each StaticMeshActor has a root component named "StaticMeshComponent0".

    if len(component.get_parent_components()) == 0:
        if component_name[0] != "StaticMeshComponent0":
            spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected component name: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

    # We expect Actors to be articulated, and therefore they will be composed of multiple
    # StaticMeshComponents. The additional StaticMeshComponents should be added as children
    # of a parent StaticMeshComponent. Each StaticMeshComponent that is only used to group
    # other StaticMeshComponents together should be should be named "group_0000",
    # "group_0001", etc. Each StaticMeshComponent that contains non-trivial scene geometry 
    # should be named "mesh_0000", "mesh_0001", etc.

    # Assets that are referenced in multiple scenes are kept in the Common directory.
    # If a collection of scenes needs to refer to additional common assets, those assets
    # should be kept in sibling directories to Common (e.g., the kujiale scenes refer to
    # assets in {Kujiale, Megascans, MSPresets}, the debug scenes refer to assets in 
    # {StarterContent}, etc).
    # Each scene inside the Scenes directory is allowed to refer to assets in common
    # directories, but is not allowed to refer to assets in other scene directories,
    # e.g., my_scene_0000 is not allowed to refer to assets in the my_scene_0001 directory
    # below. This restriction makes it easier to support an editing workflow where a
    # developer only needs to download a single subdirectory in order to obtain a
    # complete self-contained copy of a scene.

    if len(component.get_parent_components()) != 0:

        if len(component_name) != 2:
            spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected component name: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

        if component_name[0] not in ["group", "mesh"]:
            spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected component name: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

        if len(component_name[1]) != 4 or not component_name[1].isdigit():
            spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected component name: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

    # If the parent StaticMeshComponent exists only to group other child StaticMeshComponents
    # together, and it is desired for the group to be physically simulated, then the mesh assigned
    # to the parent component should be "/Game/Common/Meshes/SM_Dummy", and the "Simulate Phyiscs"
    # option should be enabled for the parent but not for the children. This is necessary for the
    # group to be correctly physically simulated.

    if component_name[0] == "StaticMeshComponent0" or component_name[0] == "group":

        if component.is_simulating_physics():
            static_mesh = component.get_editor_property("static_mesh")
            if static_mesh is None:
                    "WARNING: Unexpected static mesh: ",
                    get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", get_debug_string_static_mesh(static_mesh), ")")
            static_mesh_path = pathlib.PurePosixPath(static_mesh.get_path_name()).parts
            if static_mesh_path != ("Game", "Common", "Meshes", "SM_Dummy.SM_Dummy"):
                    "WARNING: Unexpected static mesh: ",
                    get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", get_debug_string_static_mesh(static_mesh), ")")

        materials = component.get_editor_property("override_materials")
        for material in materials:
            if material is not None:
                    "WARNING: Unexpected material: ",
                    get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", get_debug_string_material(material), ")")

    # If the StaticMeshActor is composed of multiple StaticMeshComponents, the additional
    # StaticMeshComponents can be added as children of the top-level StaticMeshComponent,
    # using the names "mesh_0000", "mesh_0001", etc. This approach enables the child
    # StaticMeshComponents to be easily selected and moved together in the editor, and
    # enables them to move together during a physics simulation, without needing to
    # explicitly merge all the actor's geometry together into a single StaticMeshComponent.

    if component_name[0] == "mesh":

        # We organize "base" meshes according to their semantic category. This human-
        # readable convention is possible because of how these meshes are generated and
        # stored in our internal systems.
        # For "clutter" meshes, it is not straightforward to organize them by semantic
        # category, so instead we organize them according to their globally unique ID.

        # Individual assets should be named using a prefix that indicates the asset type
        # (e.g., "M_" for materials, "MI_" for material instances, "SM_" for static meshes,
        # "T_" for textures, etc). See [1] for more specific guidelines.
        # [1] https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.2/en-US/recommended-asset-naming-conventions-in-unreal-engine-projects

        # TODO: The "Collision Presets" option should be set to "BlockAll".
        # TODO: The "Customized Collision" option should be enabled.

        static_mesh = component.get_editor_property("static_mesh")
        if static_mesh is None:
            spear.log("WARNING: Unexpected static mesh: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component))

        static_mesh_path = pathlib.PurePosixPath(static_mesh.get_path_name()).parts
        if len(static_mesh_path) != 8:
                "WARNING: Unexpected static mesh path: ",
                get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", get_debug_string_static_mesh(static_mesh), ")")
        if static_mesh_path[0:5] != ("/", "Game", "Scenes", level, "Meshes"):
                "WARNING: Unexpected static mesh path: ",
                get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", get_debug_string_static_mesh(static_mesh), ")")
        if static_mesh_path[5] not in ["Base", "Clutter"]:
                "WARNING: Unexpected static mesh path: ",
                get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", get_debug_string_static_mesh(static_mesh), ")")
        if not static_mesh_path[7].startswith("SM_"):
                "WARNING: Unexpected static mesh path: ",
                get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", get_debug_string_static_mesh(static_mesh), ")")

        # Each material is kept here in a directory named according to the material's
        # globally unique ID.

        materials = component.get_editor_property("override_materials")
        for material in materials:
            if material is None:
                    "WARNING: Unexpected material: ",
                    get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", get_debug_string_material(material), ")")

            material_path = pathlib.PurePosixPath(material.get_path_name()).parts
            if len(material_path) < 4:
                    "WARNING: Unexpected material path: ",
                    get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", get_debug_string_material(material), ")")

            if material_path[0:5] != ("/", "Game", "Scenes", level, "Materials") and \
               material_path[0:3] != ("/", "Game", "Megascans") and \
               material_path[0:4] != ("/", "Game", "Kujiale", "Materials"):
                    "WARNING: Unexpected material path: ",
                    get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", get_debug_string_material(material), ")")

            base_material = material.get_base_material()
            if base_material.get_name() == "M_BaseMaterial":
                if material_path[-1] != "M_BaseMaterial.M_BaseMaterial" and not material_path[-1].startswith("MI_"):
                        "WARNING: Unexpected material path: ",
                        get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", get_debug_string_material(material), ")")

            if base_material.get_name() == "M_TranslucentMaterial":
                if material_path[-1] != "M_TranslucentMaterial.M_TranslucentMaterial" and not material_path[-1].startswith("MI_"):
                        "WARNING: Unexpected material path: ",
                        get_debug_string_actor(actor), ".", get_debug_string_component(component), " (", get_debug_string_material(material), ")")

def vector_to_numpy(vector):
    return np.array([vector.x, vector.y, vector.z])

# Unlike the default ActorComponent.get_parent_components() function, this function returns parent components in root-to-leaf order.
def get_parent_components(component):
    c = component
    parents = []
    while c.get_attach_parent() is not None:
        c = c.get_attach_parent()
        parents = [c] + parents
    return parents

def get_debug_string_static_mesh(static_mesh):
    return static_mesh.get_path_name()

def get_debug_string_material(material):
    return material.get_path_name()

def get_debug_string_component(component):
    return ".".join([ c.get_name() for c in get_parent_components(component) ]) + "." + component.get_name()

def get_debug_string_type(type):
    return type.__name__

def get_debug_string_actor(actor):
    return str(actor.get_folder_path()) + posixpath.sep + actor.get_actor_label()

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # TODO: parse command-line args

    # TODO: get level name programmatically
    level = "kujiale_0000"

mikeroberts3000 commented 1 year ago

Please use my implementation above and address the following TODO items in the code.

# TODO: parse command-line args
# TODO: get level name programmatically
# TODO: use args to decide whether or not to use selected actors

We can address the other TODO items in subsequent PRs.

Finally, add a path/to/spear/tools/validate_scene_kujiale.py script that invokes the Unreal Editor programmatically and runs path/to/SpearSim/Content/Python/validate_scene_kujiale.py for a given scene. Make the code in this script as similar as possible to the existing code in the rest of our tools.

mikeroberts3000 commented 1 year ago

UPDATE: This step is no longer necessary because I figured out how to pip install packages into the Unreal Python environment. See above.

My code makes use of spear.log for improved logging functionality. To access, add the following to path/to/SpearSim/Content/Python/spear


# Copyright(c) 2022 Intel. Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.

__version__ = "0.3.0"

from spear.log import log


# Copyright(c) 2022 Intel. Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.

import inspect
import os

def log(*args):
    current_frame = inspect.currentframe()
    print(_log_get_prefix(current_frame) + "".join([str(arg) for arg in args]))

def _log_get_prefix(current_frame):
    return "[SPEAR | " + _get_current_file_abbreviated(current_frame) + ":" + _get_current_line(current_frame) + "] "

def _get_current_file_abbreviated(current_frame):
    outer_frames = inspect.getouterframes(current_frame)
    return os.path.basename(outer_frames[1].filename)

def _get_current_line(current_frame):
    outer_frames = inspect.getouterframes(current_frame)
    return str(outer_frames[1].lineno)
mikeroberts3000 commented 1 year ago

Update: I included a check that validates each actor's pivot location, and changed the order of functions in my implementation to proceed from high-level to low-level to make it easier to read. See above.

mikeroberts3000 commented 1 year ago

Update: I modified the pivot validation check to ignore SM_dummy components.

        # ignore components from bounds computation if they don't have a mesh assigned, or if their assigned mesh is SM_Dummy
        ignore_components = [
            c for c in actor.get_components_by_class(unreal.StaticMeshComponent) if
            c.get_editor_property("static_mesh") is None or
            c.get_editor_property("static_mesh").get_path_name() == "/Game/Common/Meshes/SM_Dummy.SM_Dummy" ]

        # for each ignored component, cache "use_default_collision" and "collision_enabled" properties
        ignore_use_default_collision = {
            c.get_name(): c.get_editor_property("use_default_collision") for c in ignore_components }
        ignore_collision_enabled = {
            c.get_name(): c.get_editor_property("body_instance").get_editor_property("collision_enabled") for c in ignore_components }

        # disable collision on each ignored component
        for c in ignore_components:
            c.set_editor_property("use_default_collision", False)
            c.get_editor_property("body_instance").set_editor_property("collision_enabled", unreal.CollisionEnabled.NO_COLLISION)

        # compute bounds
        bounds_origin, bounds_half_extent = actor.get_actor_bounds(only_colliding_components=True, include_from_child_actors=False)

        # for each ignored component, restore "use_default_collision" and "collision_enabled" properties
        for c in ignore_components:
            c.set_editor_property("use_default_collision", ignore_use_default_collision[c.get_name()])
            c.get_editor_property("body_instance").set_editor_property("collision_enabled", ignore_collision_enabled[c.get_name()])

        # check pivot location against computed bounds
        eps = 0.000001
        bounds_origin = vector_to_numpy(bounds_origin)
        bounds_half_extent = vector_to_numpy(bounds_half_extent)
        pivot_desired = np.array([bounds_origin[0], bounds_origin[1], bounds_origin[2] - bounds_half_extent[2]])
        pivot_actual = vector_to_numpy(actor.get_actor_location())
        if np.linalg.norm(pivot_desired - pivot_actual) > eps:
                "WARNING: Unexpected pivot: ", get_debug_string_actor(actor),
                " (desired=", pivot_desired, ", actual=", pivot_actual, ")")