Closed mikeroberts3000 closed 8 months ago
Added separate pipeline script to export scene geometry.
Added separate script to visualize the exported scene geometry.
The pipeline now computes collision geometry in a separate pipeline stage.
The pipeline now computes a functional MuJoCo scene in a separate pipeline stage.
To set up the Python environment inside Unreal so it can run the scripts in the Content/Python
folder, do the following steps from any command line, adjusting the paths as necessary for your machine. (As part of this PR, I will create a document explaining all the necessary steps to run the pipeline, including this setup.)
H:\code\local\UnrealEngine\UE_5.2\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Python3\Win64\python.exe -m pip install --disable-pip-version-check --no-warn-script-location -e F:\code\github\spear\third_party\msgpack-rpc-python
H:\code\local\UnrealEngine\UE_5.2\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Python3\Win64\python.exe -m pip install --disable-pip-version-check --no-warn-script-location -e F:\code\github\spear\python
This script outputs every property on every actor in the World Outliner in the following format. The output is quite verbose, so I'm only attaching the output for a couple of actors.