specarmi / Thermal_SuperPoint_SLAM

Codebase for training a thermal SuperPoint network and vocabulary and integrating them with ORB-SLAM2
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problem of mono_kitti for KITTI datasets #2

Open Oshino-Ougi opened 3 years ago

Oshino-Ougi commented 3 years ago

Hi author!

I was trying to use SuperPoint SLAM runs offline on precomputed keypoints and descriptors. But after I tried to run it on KITTI datasets grayscale 09, some problem happened.

I followed your tutorial and use : python utils/generate_keypts_and_desc.py ~/catkin_ws/src/Thermal_SuperPoint_SLAM/trained_networks/superpoint_thermal/superPointNet_170000_checkpoint.pth.tar ~/datasets/SLAM/KITTI/grayscale/09/image_0/ RGB_Feat_and_Descriptors the model superPointNet_170000_checkpoint.pth.tar from here. then it got some .yaml files in RGB_Feat_and_Descriptors from index 1 to 1951.

I also tried use model superPointNet_50000_checkpoint.pth.tar (from here(trained by KITTI?)) and model superPointNet_100000_checkpoint.pth.tar (which I trained on FLIR ADAS dataset by myself followed your tutorial) got feature_50000_0 and feature_0

But after I use : ./thirdparty/SuperPoint_SLAM/Examples/Monocular/mono_kitti vocabularies/superpoint_voc.yml.gz thirdparty/SuperPoint_SLAM/Examples/Monocular/KITTI04-12.yaml ~/datasets/SLAM/KITTI/grayscale/09/ ~/datasets/SLAM/KITTI/grayscale/09/RGB_Feat_and_Descriptors/ (the vocabulary superpoint_voc.yml.gz come from here) the program crashed:

Estimated frame rate 10
Creating orb-slam system ...

ORB-SLAM2 Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raul Mur-Artal, University of Zaragoza.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See LICENSE.txt.

Input sensor was set to: Monocular

Loading ORB Vocabulary. This could take a while...

Camera Parameters: 
- fx: 707.091
- fy: 707.091
- cx: 601.887
- cy: 183.11
- k1: 0
- k2: 0
- p1: 0
- p2: 0
- fps: 10
- color order: RGB (ignored if grayscale)

ORB Extractor Parameters: 
- Number of Features: 2000
- Scale Levels: 4
- Scale Factor: 1.2
- Initial Fast Threshold: 0.015
- Minimum Fast Threshold: 0.007

Start processing sequence ...
Images in the sequence: 1591

desc size: 2176 256
mvKeys.size(): 2176
desc size: 2157 256
mvKeys.size(): 2157
start to intialize...
desc size: 2175 256
mvKeys.size(): 2175
start to intialize...
New Map created with 722 points
buildSystem(): NaN within Jacobian for edge 0x555baed22340 for vertex 0
buildSystem(): NaN within Jacobian for edge 0x555baed24980 for vertex 0
buildSystem(): NaN within Jacobian for edge 0x555baed25520 for vertex 0
buildSystem(): NaN within Jacobian for edge 0x555baed2fdc0 for vertex 0
buildSystem(): NaN within Jacobian for edge 0x555baed305e0 for vertex 0
buildSystem(): NaN within Jacobian for edge 0x555baed30960 for vertex 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

So I tried to use do vocabulary by myself, I used ./thirdparty/DBoW2/build/build_superpt_vocab ~/datasets/SLAM/KITTI/grayscale/09/feature_50000_0/ got superpt_KITTI_voc.yml.gz

./thirdparty/DBoW2/build/build_superpt_vocab ~/datasets/SLAM/KITTI/grayscale/09/feature_0/ got superpt_voc.yml.gz

But whatever I tried ./thirdparty/SuperPoint_SLAM/Examples/Monocular/mono_kitti vocabularies/superpt_KITTI_voc.yml.gz thirdparty/SuperPoint_SLAM/Examples/Monocular/KITTI04-12.yaml ~/datasets/SLAM/KITTI/grayscale/09/ ~/datasets/SLAM/KITTI/grayscale/09/feature_50000_0/ or ./thirdparty/SuperPoint_SLAM/Examples/Monocular/mono_kitti vocabularies/superpt_voc.yml.gz thirdparty/SuperPoint_SLAM/Examples/Monocular/KITTI04-12.yaml ~/datasets/SLAM/KITTI/grayscale/09/ ~/datasets/SLAM/KITTI/grayscale/09/feature_0/ (also tried vocabularysuperpt_thermal.yml.gz), the program all ran 1 frame and then keeping stuck forever:

Estimated frame rate 10
Creating orb-slam system ...

ORB-SLAM2 Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raul Mur-Artal, University of Zaragoza.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See LICENSE.txt.

Input sensor was set to: Monocular

Loading ORB Vocabulary. This could take a while...

Camera Parameters: 
- fx: 707.091
- fy: 707.091
- cx: 601.887
- cy: 183.11
- k1: 0
- k2: 0
- p1: 0
- p2: 0
- fps: 10
- color order: RGB (ignored if grayscale)

ORB Extractor Parameters: 
- Number of Features: 2000
- Scale Levels: 4
- Scale Factor: 1.2
- Initial Fast Threshold: 0.015
- Minimum Fast Threshold: 0.007

Start processing sequence ...
Images in the sequence: 1591

desc size: 1100 256
mvKeys.size(): 1100
desc size: 1037 256
mvKeys.size(): 1037
start to intialize...
desc size: 1043 256
mvKeys.size(): 1043
start to intialize...

Have you ever encountered the same problem? Could you please give me some suggestions to solve these problem? Thank you anyway:pray:

Livesoso commented 1 year ago

I get the same problem ,please tell me you solution. Thank you!!!