speced / bikeshed

:bike: A preprocessor for anyone writing specifications that converts source files into actual specs.
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Lint to avoid putting newlines in links or variables #2872

Open tabatkins opened 4 weeks ago

tabatkins commented 4 weeks ago

Request from a fellow Chromie: a lint that warns if you have broken a link or variable across lines, as that makes it harder to search for terms in the source later.

I should be able to do this now, by walking the document. I can possibly do it better with the parser rewrite, but I don't think I need to wait for that; it'll just give me better line numbers in the error.

domfarolino commented 4 weeks ago

I think I disagree with this change. The specs I work on generally follow the HTML Standard style guide, which allows for line breaks in between words in a dfn or link, or even within tags associated wtih those dfns or links. All of those specs will I guess just be broken now if they treat warnings as fatal? That seems bad and backwards incompatible.