specify / specify6

Source Code for Specify 6, Biological Collections Management Platform
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Borrow: ViewDev: yesNo1 referenced twice #1231

Open mcruz-umich opened 9 months ago

mcruz-umich commented 9 months ago


When uncommenting these fields, the occurrence of yesNo1 twice in the form causes the form to render blank. Delete the second occurrence.

mcruz-umich commented 9 months ago

Also remove the hardcoded: label="yesNo1" label="yesNo2"

mcruz-umich commented 9 months ago

change id="6" on AddressOfRecord field to be id="AddressOfRecord" so it does not conflict with the viewname="BorrowAgent" id="6"

mcruz-umich commented 9 months ago

ID's for 9 and 10 for timestamps conflict with IDs used above. Consider changing IDs to have the same value as the name field for each cell.

                    <cell type="label" labelfor="9" />
                    <cell type="field" id="9" name="createdByAgent" uitype="label" readonly="true" uifieldformatter="Agent" />
                    <cell type="label" labelfor="10" />
                    <cell type="field" id="10" name="modifiedByAgent" uitype="label" readonly="true" uifieldformatter="Agent" />
                    <cell type="label" labelfor="11" />
                    <cell type="field" id="11" name="timestampModified" uitype="label" readonly="true" />
                    <cell type="label" labelfor="12" />
                    <cell type="field" id="12" name="timestampCreated" uitype="label" readonly="true" />