specify / specify7

Specify 7
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Add ability to use other fields in Collection Object or Preparation for interactions #1157

Open tlammer opened 2 years ago

tlammer commented 2 years ago

Specify 6 added the ability to use one of several fields in Collection Object or Preparation for interactions. In preferences, the user selects to use a particular field from Collection Object or Preparation or says to choose each time creating an interaction. The interactions then search for preparations to associate based on that setting. 7 does not yet support this feature

Requirements Available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HTnmeVcWHfvDOePYGJz1h7FjWe15mnvQLf-JKkW8vls/edit

tlammer commented 2 years ago

RBGE mentioned this is a blocker for them moving into Specify 7

grantfitzsimmons commented 1 year ago

@tlammer Can you share some more about this issue?

grantfitzsimmons commented 11 months ago

Requested by CSIRO today

lexiclevenger commented 4 months ago

This has also been requested by Zoe Warner from CSIRO. The current workflow the Herbarium uses for loan processing in Specify 7 is complicated because this feature is not supported, so implementing this could drastically simplify how Specify 7 users use interactions.

Hi Specify, We are investigating workflow processes for Loans for our new Herbarium instance. Can you please confirm if the below is the best way forward, or if perhaps we’ve missed something in our understanding of barcode scanning and the creation/processing of Interactions? We have unique barcodes assigned to preparations in the Herbarium. These are printed on the preparation’s label. Current practice in old system, is to create a Loan record, then while in the record, scan the preparation label barcodes to assign those specific preparations to the Loan. From what we can see in Specify, the closest we can get to replicate this function is to:

  1. Scan the relevant preparation barcodes into a word document to create a list
  2. Find and replace the carriage returns with a comma, to create a comma separated list
  3. Open a pre-saved Collection Object query in Specify which features the preparation Barcode field with an IN operator. Paste the comma separated list into here
  4. The query includes Collection Object Catalog Number, and Preparation Type (which are needed for Loan Prep workbench upload). Run query. Export results as CSV
  5. Create a new Loan Prep workbench, import the just generated CSV (which also needs to include the relevant Loan Number in a Loan Number field) and upload the data (presuming mapping already exists).
  6. This is the most straightforward way we can see. More direct options don’t seem available:
  7. Can’t scan the preparation barcode directly into a new Interaction pop up, as pop up requires Collection Object Catalog number and does not work with preparation barcode
  8. Can’t scan the preparation barcode directly into an ‘IN’ field in a query, as Specify seems to run the query automatically with the first scan, and additional scans do not enter as comma separated values
  9. Can’t create a record set from a query to add to the loan, as again, when the record set is selected to add to the Loan, it is Collection Object geared, so will return all preparations associated with the linked Collection Objects, rather than the specific preparations scanned.
  10. We can scan the preparation barcodes directly into a workbench, but for Loan Prep, the linked Collection Object Catalog No and Prep Type are required fields for workbench upload, so we need to retrieve that information somehow before you can process the workbench - i.e. you can’t upload loan preps with just a prep barcode and loan number.

Presumably for returning preparations, there will be a similar process and similar limitations, though have not tested that yet. Have we missed something? Thanks, Zoe