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Cannot see all records in workbench results menu #4896

Open emenslin opened 3 weeks ago

emenslin commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug After uploading a data set to workbench if you click on the results button and there are a lot of records you cannot see all of them. This is likely because of being zoomed in and/or having a smaller screen but is still inconvient as you also cannot see the create record set button or scroll to see all the records.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to workbench
  2. Either create or import a data set with lots of records
  3. Upload the data set
  4. Click on results
  5. See issue

Expected behavior Either all of the records should be able to show on the screen or there should be some way to scroll through all the records and see the create record set button

Screenshots A large data set: Screenshot 2024-05-07 120014

A small data set: Screenshot 2024-05-07 120245

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