specious / cloud9carousel

:cyclone: 3D-perspective carousel for jQuery / Zepto
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Make the carousel's orientation configurable #36

Open flfrontend opened 5 years ago

flfrontend commented 5 years ago

hi there, is there a way to offset the items so they are not sitting 12/3/6/9 oclock (left/right/top/bottom) but sligtly offset e.g. 2/4/8/10 oclock if that makes sense? perhaps by offsetting the x values? many thanks

specious commented 5 years ago

Maybe the carousel could be made to be configurable to have a general orientation that is not predefined.

I would add an orientation parameter and add that angular offset to the relative angular position of each item in the renderItem() function. As a matter of fact, I'm currently thinking that renaming rotation to angularPosition within the context of that function would enhance the clarity of the code.

This should be a relatively easy addition to the module together with appropriate updating of the documentation. I don't have time to do it myself in the near future, however I would be quite stoked to see a merge request.

specious commented 5 years ago

I think this amounts to the same feature consideration as #27.