specious / cloud9carousel

:cyclone: 3D-perspective carousel for jQuery / Zepto
233 stars 88 forks source link

bower enabled #4

Closed qdubious closed 8 years ago

qdubious commented 9 years ago

Great work! I've added a bower.json file to make it easier to include in JS projects. If you agree please accept my pull request.

Thanks! Charlie.

specious commented 8 years ago

@qdubious , thanks for adding cloud9carousel to the bower registry. I apologize that it took a while for me to take a look at this.

I have merged it into my master branch, with updates: https://github.com/specious/cloud9carousel/commit/3fb5fa3660310967687a4dcd3699b72183ea4727

Your fork is currently listed in the bower registry and I'm unable to update it:


What would be the best way to change the entry so it lists the most up to date version?

jadaradix commented 8 years ago

It's fairly common for a fork to make it to Bower/npm first if the author doesn't get around to it and the repo is popular - annoying, isn't it? (nobody is to blame).

You have to make a request here as you will not have permissions to "unregister" the fork yourself: https://github.com/bower/bower/issues/120

Sorry for the difficulty on behalf of Bower. At least it is sort of diplomatic.

specious commented 8 years ago

Thank you, @jadaradix. I opened an issue at bower/registry#159.