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Non-solid extrusions fail #40

Open didimitrie opened 6 years ago

didimitrie commented 6 years ago

Step 0:

Affected Projects

Does this issue propagate to other dependencies or dependants? If so, list them here!

Reproduction Steps & System Config (win, osx, web, etc.)

StreamId: B1zNJbklm @ speckle hestia


mswaidan commented 6 years ago

Three.js extrusions are based on shapes. They're closed paths by definition (plus some holes), so I don't think an open threejs extrusion is possible. We'll need to treat open extrusions as breps in the converter.

didimitrie commented 6 years ago

hm... then we need to handle this via checking if the extrusion is closed or not (is this even in SpeckleCore?). If closed, we're cool, if not closed (ie, just a line of sorts), we'll need to write some custom code to extrude it. I guess.

I wouldn't treat them as breps, as this makes these things heavier than they need to be, unless what you had in mind is just try to extract a displayMesh like we do for breps though? and then in a threejs client we request just the displayMesh, and in a Rhino client we get the extrusion proper?