speckleworks / SpeckleRevitReboot

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RAM adds up quickly when sending large number of objects #15

Open htlcnn opened 4 years ago

htlcnn commented 4 years ago

I tried to create a Sender that sends a view with 8387 elements. CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess 's RAM adds up to about 3GB and didn't decrease after sending, even after I closed SpeckleRevit window. Is there any way to limit SpeckleRevit RAM usage? Because when RAM usage is too high, Revit and SpeckleRevit will crash (happened most of the times for me). SpeckleRevit devtools shows that every object was logged to console, which I believe is related to this line: https://github.com/speckleworks/SpeckleUiApp/blob/master/src/components/ClientSender.vue#L189 Although console history is limited to 1000 lines, I think it was time (and maybe RAM) consuming.

htlcnn commented 4 years ago

Does ToList use more RAM? https://github.com/speckleworks/SpeckleCore/blob/a47e8fcf9144897b6b9ccaa36f16ac29067cb85a/SpeckleCore/Conversion/ConverterSerialisation.cs#L27