speckleworks / SpeckleRevitReboot

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Support for Rooms #24

Open andrewringler opened 4 years ago

andrewringler commented 4 years ago

Are there any plans to add support for Revit Rooms in the Speckle Revit plugin? IE including the 2D polygon of a room boundary and associated meta data about the room in the Speckle Stream?

teocomi commented 4 years ago

Hey @andrewringler, that should be already supported: to send rooms from Revit to Speckle, just select them either manually or from the category picker. Let us know if it doesn't work! Sending rooms to Revit is not allowed, but you can send room boundary lines from grasshopper via the schema builder component.

didimitrie commented 4 years ago

I can replicate @andrewringler 's issue. Extracting rooms from Revit is borked, just gave it a shot - they come out as "Object Doe" nulls (see here). Sample streamId coming from revit is y6RV9EgiY.

(PS: Tried both selection by category - rooms, as well as direct selection)

andrewringler commented 4 years ago

We tried with Revit 2019 and Revit 2020 using the latest plugin. We are able to select the rooms and the plugin does they are all sent, but we get a similar result to @didimitrie , usually null objects.

teocomi commented 4 years ago

Oups, gotcha, we missed this one! Will see if it's an easy fix we can release under 1.0, otherwise it'll def come with 2.0. Thanks for the feedback!