spectacles / CodeComplice

CodeIntel for Sublime Text 2 / 3
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Error when processing `Python': please wait... #30

Closed anentropic closed 9 years ago

anentropic commented 9 years ago

I installed via Package Control

When I Ctrl+Click on a name I see this in the console and nothing else happens:

+ Info: processing `Python': please wait...
processing `Python': please wait...
No handlers could be found for logger "process"
/Users/anentropic/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/CodeComplice/libs/codeintel2/lang_go.py:16: UserWarning: Unable to import zope.cachedescriptors.property
  warnings.warn("Unable to import zope.cachedescriptors.property")
Exception in thread scanning thread:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/threading.py", line 532, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/threading.py", line 484, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "./CodeComplice.py", line 846, in _codeintel_scan
RuntimeError: Must call on main thread, consider using sublime.set_timeout(function, timeout)
spectacles commented 9 years ago

Thank you for reporting this issue. I just pushed a commit, which should resolve this!

anentropic commented 9 years ago

If I install again via Package Control will I get that fix?

spectacles commented 9 years ago

yes, that should work!

anentropic commented 9 years ago

great, works now

unfortunately just as sluggish as SublimeCodeIntel

I basically get "processing Python please wait" in the status bar as I type each character in a new line of code. it's painful

spectacles commented 9 years ago

Please be more verbose about your issue!

Do Completions eventually appear?

Can you please inspect your database? Does it get build? If so, please go to Sublime Command Palette, type "Dump" and select "CodeComplice: Dump import Directories".

It will raise a message dialog with the current database directory. In this directory you will find a subdir "import_dir_stats". The Command has written all scanned directories per language into text files.

Please post the contents of the file for Python here!

anentropic commented 9 years ago

it all works perfectly, it just causes a lag of 0.5 second after each key press

spectacles commented 9 years ago

Try to be anticipating my next steps and be more verbose, so that I don't have to pull info out of your nose, my time is (of course) limited!

Follow the steps described above and post the file here!

Maybe your scanned directories are too many or your buffer is very large, this can be a problem!

Please create a fresh python Project and configure a designated database directory for it! Open a new File and try some Completions! Is it faster now?

What are your exact config-settings? Do you understand how to define settings specifically for a Sublime Text Project?

anentropic commented 9 years ago

there is no import_dir_stats file

$ ls -la /Users/anentropic/.codeintel/db
total 0
drwxr-xr-x   5 anentropic  staff   170 12 Mar 12:53 .
drwxr-xr-x   7 anentropic  staff   238 12 Mar 16:44 ..
drwxr-xr-x   4 anentropic  staff   136 12 Mar 12:53 html
drwxr-xr-x  64 anentropic  staff  2176 12 Mar 16:43 python
drwxr-xr-x   4 anentropic  staff   136 12 Mar 16:43 stdlibs

I closed my existing projects and made a new one with a single python file and it works fast so it seems the problem is with big projects

I had this big project before without it being so bad though

anentropic commented 9 years ago

feels like it needs "debouncing", i.e. a short delay, so that it doesn't get stuck trying to autosuggest every key press. but maybe the problem isn't it hasn't indexed properly, it shouldn't have to keep looking things up

I see enormous dicts like this one logged in the ST console at each key press/lookup

'name': 'test_importer',
 'nspath': (),
 'symbols': {'BASE_PATH': {'attributes': '',
                           'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263010730192>,
                           'doc': None,
                           'line': 12,
                           'name': 'BASE_PATH',
                           'nspath': ('BASE_PATH',),
                           'symbols': {},
                           'types': {'path.dirname()': 1}},
             'ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE': {'attributes': '',
                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083417056>,
                                        'doc': None,
                                        'line': 80,
                                        'name': 'ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE',
                                        'nspath': ('ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE',),
                                        'symbols': {},
                                        'types': {'re.compile()': 1}},
             'schema_dict': {'arguments': [],
                             'attributes': '',
                             'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085075520>,
                             'line': 74,
                             'lineend': 77,
                             'name': 'schema_dict',
                             'nspath': ('schema_dict',),
                             'returns': {'json.load()': 1},
                             'signature': 'schema_dict()',
                             'symbols': {'filename': {'attributes': '',
                                                      'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262996991760>,
                                                      'doc': None,
                                                      'line': 75,
                                                      'name': 'filename',
                                                      'nspath': ('schema_dict',
                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                      'types': {'path.join() schema_dict': 1}},
                                         'schema_json': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263081789696>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 76,
                                                         'name': 'schema_json',
                                                         'nspath': ('schema_dict',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {}}},
                             'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_add_to_empty': {'arguments': [],
                                                 'attributes': '',
                                                 'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263080759024>,
                                                 'line': 19,
                                                 'lineend': 23,
                                                 'name': 'test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                 'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',),
                                                 'returns': {},
                                                 'signature': 'test_append_schema_add_to_empty()',
                                                 'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                            'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262991953472>,
                                                                            'doc': None,
                                                                            'line': 20,
                                                                            'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                            'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                                            'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                             'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262995337824>,
                                                                        'doc': None,
                                                                        'line': 21,
                                                                        'name': 'schema',
                                                                        'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                                        'symbols': {},
                                                                        'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_add_to_empty': 1}}},
                                                 'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_add_to_existing': {'arguments': [],
                                                    'attributes': '',
                                                    'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263034771200>,
                                                    'line': 26,
                                                    'lineend': 30,
                                                    'name': 'test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                    'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',),
                                                    'returns': {},
                                                    'signature': 'test_append_schema_add_to_existing()',
                                                    'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                               'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263034280272>,
                                                                               'doc': None,
                                                                               'line': 27,
                                                                               'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                               'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                                               'symbols': {},
                                                                               'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                           'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263036973232>,
                                                                           'doc': None,
                                                                           'line': 28,
                                                                           'name': 'schema',
                                                                           'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                                           'symbols': {},
                                                                           'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_add_to_existing': 1}}},
                                                    'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic': {'arguments': [],
                                                       'attributes': '',
                                                       'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035274560>,
                                                       'line': 33,
                                                       'lineend': 47,
                                                       'name': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                       'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',),
                                                       'returns': {},
                                                       'signature': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic()',
                                                       'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                  'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035214224>,
                                                                                  'doc': None,
                                                                                  'line': 34,
                                                                                  'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                                  'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                                                  'symbols': {},
                                                                                  'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                   'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                              'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263003481280>,
                                                                              'doc': None,
                                                                              'line': 35,
                                                                              'name': 'schema',
                                                                              'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                                              'symbols': {},
                                                                              'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_added_fields_basic': 1}}},
                                                       'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing': {'arguments': [],
                                                         'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263033756272>,
                                                         'line': 51,
                                                         'lineend': 65,
                                                         'name': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',),
                                                         'returns': {},
                                                         'signature': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing()',
                                                         'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                    'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035465968>,
                                                                                    'doc': None,
                                                                                    'line': 52,
                                                                                    'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                                    'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                                                    'symbols': {},
                                                                                    'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                     'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263034304144>,
                                                                                'doc': None,
                                                                                'line': 53,
                                                                                'name': 'schema',
                                                                                'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                                                'symbols': {},
                                                                                'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing': 1}}},
                                                         'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_es_mocked': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263004301856>,
                                                      'doc': None,
                                                      'line': 86,
                                                      'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                      'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                      'types': {}}],
                                       'attributes': '',
                                       'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263081799472>,
                                       'line': 86,
                                       'lineend': 102,
                                       'name': 'test_import_es_mocked',
                                       'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',),
                                       'returns': {},
                                       'signature': 'test_import_es_mocked(schema_dict)',
                                       'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083626096>,
                                                                'doc': None,
                                                                'line': 96,
                                                                'name': 'importer',
                                                                'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                'symbols': {},
                                                                'types': {'Importer() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'mock_response': {'attributes': '',
                                                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263007601536>,
                                                                     'doc': None,
                                                                     'line': 88,
                                                                     'name': 'mock_response',
                                                                     'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                     'symbols': {},
                                                                     'types': {'json.dumps() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'r': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262989463616>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 101,
                                                         'name': 'r',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'importer.esclient.send_request() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263004301856>,
                                                                   'doc': None,
                                                                   'line': 86,
                                                                   'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                   'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                   'symbols': {},
                                                                   'types': {}}},
                                       'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_default': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263008399136>,
                                                              'doc': None,
                                                              'line': 105,
                                                              'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                              'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                              'symbols': {},
                                                              'types': {}}],
                                               'attributes': '',
                                               'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079156896>,
                                               'line': 105,
                                               'lineend': 112,
                                               'name': 'test_import_field_map_default',
                                               'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',),
                                               'returns': {},
                                               'signature': 'test_import_field_map_default(schema_dict)',
                                               'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262994767808>,
                                                                        'doc': None,
                                                                        'line': 106,
                                                                        'name': 'importer',
                                                                        'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                                        'symbols': {},
                                                                        'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_default': 1}},
                                                           'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263008399136>,
                                                                           'doc': None,
                                                                           'line': 105,
                                                                           'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                           'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                                           'symbols': {},
                                                                           'types': {}}},
                                               'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_no_slugs': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997820000>,
                                                               'doc': None,
                                                               'line': 115,
                                                               'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                               'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                               'symbols': {},
                                                               'types': {}}],
                                                'attributes': '',
                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262994265088>,
                                                'line': 115,
                                                'lineend': 122,
                                                'name': 'test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',),
                                                'returns': {},
                                                'signature': 'test_import_field_map_no_slugs(schema_dict)',
                                                'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082127200>,
                                                                         'doc': None,
                                                                         'line': 116,
                                                                         'name': 'importer',
                                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                                         'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_no_slugs': 1}},
                                                            'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997820000>,
                                                                            'doc': None,
                                                                            'line': 115,
                                                                            'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                            'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                                            'types': {}}},
                                                'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_slugs': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083724160>,
                                                            'doc': None,
                                                            'line': 125,
                                                            'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                            'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                            'types': {}}],
                                             'attributes': '',
                                             'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263081810048>,
                                             'line': 125,
                                             'lineend': 132,
                                             'name': 'test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                             'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',),
                                             'returns': {},
                                             'signature': 'test_import_field_map_slugs(schema_dict)',
                                             'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                      'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997565696>,
                                                                      'doc': None,
                                                                      'line': 126,
                                                                      'name': 'importer',
                                                                      'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                                      'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_slugs': 1}},
                                                         'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083724160>,
                                                                         'doc': None,
                                                                         'line': 125,
                                                                         'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                                         'types': {}}},
                                             'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079057824>,
                                                                       'doc': None,
                                                                       'line': 135,
                                                                       'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                       'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                       'symbols': {},
                                                                       'types': {}}],
                                                        'attributes': '',
                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083300816>,
                                                        'line': 135,
                                                        'lineend': 144,
                                                        'name': 'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                        'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',),
                                                        'returns': {},
                                                        'signature': 'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats(schema_dict)',
                                                        'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                 'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079387888>,
                                                                                 'doc': None,
                                                                                 'line': 136,
                                                                                 'name': 'importer',
                                                                                 'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                                 'symbols': {},
                                                                                 'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats': 1}},
                                                                    'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079057824>,
                                                                                    'doc': None,
                                                                                    'line': 135,
                                                                                    'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                                    'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                                    'symbols': {},
                                                                                    'types': {}}},
                                                        'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_get_': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079028016>,
                                                 'doc': None,
                                                 'line': 147,
                                                 'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                 'nspath': ('test_import_get_',
                                                 'symbols': {},
                                                 'types': {}}],
                                  'attributes': '',
                                  'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083722240>,
                                  'line': 147,
                                  'lineend': 156,
                                  'name': 'test_import_get_',
                                  'nspath': ('test_import_get_',),
                                  'returns': {},
                                  'signature': 'test_import_get_(schema_dict)',
                                  'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                           'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083367056>,
                                                           'doc': None,
                                                           'line': 148,
                                                           'name': 'importer',
                                                           'nspath': ('test_import_get_',
                                                           'symbols': {},
                                                           'types': {'Importer() test_import_get_': 1}},
                                              'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079028016>,
                                                              'doc': None,
                                                              'line': 147,
                                                              'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                              'nspath': ('test_import_get_',
                                                              'symbols': {},
                                                              'types': {}}},
                                  'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_set_config_200': {'arguments': [],
                                     'attributes': '',
                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262994853920>,
                                     'line': 178,
                                     'lineend': 188,
                                     'name': 'test_set_config_200',
                                     'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',),
                                     'returns': {},
                                     'signature': 'test_set_config_200()',
                                     'symbols': {'result': {'attributes': '',
                                                            'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263034522496>,
                                                            'doc': None,
                                                            'line': 187,
                                                            'name': 'result',
                                                            'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',
                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                            'types': {'set_config() test_set_config_200': 1}},
                                                 'url': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997831136>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 179,
                                                         'name': 'url',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'str': 1,
                                                                   'tuple': 1}}},
                                     'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_set_config_404': {'arguments': [],
                                     'attributes': '',
                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079629552>,
                                     'line': 164,
                                     'lineend': 174,
                                     'name': 'test_set_config_404',
                                     'nspath': ('test_set_config_404',),
                                     'returns': {},
                                     'signature': 'test_set_config_404()',
                                     'symbols': {'url': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083485136>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 165,
                                                         'name': 'url',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_set_config_404',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'str': 1,
                                                                   'tuple': 1}}},
                                     'types': {'function': 1}}},
 'types': {'module': 1}}
{'imports': [{'line': 1, 'module': 'json'},
             {'line': 2, 'module': 'os', 'symbol': 'path'},
             {'line': 3, 'module': 're'},
             {'line': 5, 'module': 'pytest'},
             {'line': 6, 'module': 'responses'},
             {'line': 8, 'module': 'tns', 'symbol': 'settings'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'append_schema'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'Importer'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'set_config'}],
 'name': 'test_importer',
 'nspath': (),
 'symbols': {'BASE_PATH': {'attributes': '',
                           'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085232960>,
                           'doc': None,
                           'line': 12,
                           'name': 'BASE_PATH',
                           'nspath': ('BASE_PATH',),
                           'symbols': {},
                           'types': {'path.dirname()': 1}},
             'ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE': {'attributes': '',
                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085262816>,
                                        'doc': None,
                                        'line': 80,
                                        'name': 'ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE',
                                        'nspath': ('ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE',),
                                        'symbols': {},
                                        'types': {'re.compile()': 1}},
             'schema_dict': {'arguments': [],
                             'attributes': '',
                             'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085256096>,
                             'line': 74,
                             'lineend': 77,
                             'name': 'schema_dict',
                             'nspath': ('schema_dict',),
                             'returns': {'json.load()': 1},
                             'signature': 'schema_dict()',
                             'symbols': {'filename': {'attributes': '',
                                                      'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085259552>,
                                                      'doc': None,
                                                      'line': 75,
                                                      'name': 'filename',
                                                      'nspath': ('schema_dict',
                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                      'types': {'path.join() schema_dict': 1}},
                                         'schema_json': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085261184>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 76,
                                                         'name': 'schema_json',
                                                         'nspath': ('schema_dict',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {}}},
                             'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_add_to_empty': {'arguments': [],
                                                 'attributes': '',
                                                 'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085234592>,
                                                 'line': 19,
                                                 'lineend': 23,
                                                 'name': 'test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                 'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',),
                                                 'returns': {},
                                                 'signature': 'test_append_schema_add_to_empty()',
                                                 'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                            'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085237280>,
                                                                            'doc': None,
                                                                            'line': 20,
                                                                            'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                            'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                                            'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                             'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085238912>,
                                                                        'doc': None,
                                                                        'line': 21,
                                                                        'name': 'schema',
                                                                        'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                                        'symbols': {},
                                                                        'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_add_to_empty': 1}}},
                                                 'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_add_to_existing': {'arguments': [],
                                                    'attributes': '',
                                                    'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085240544>,
                                                    'line': 26,
                                                    'lineend': 30,
                                                    'name': 'test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                    'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',),
                                                    'returns': {},
                                                    'signature': 'test_append_schema_add_to_existing()',
                                                    'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                               'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085242464>,
                                                                               'doc': None,
                                                                               'line': 27,
                                                                               'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                               'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                                               'symbols': {},
                                                                               'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                           'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085244096>,
                                                                           'doc': None,
                                                                           'line': 28,
                                                                           'name': 'schema',
                                                                           'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                                           'symbols': {},
                                                                           'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_add_to_existing': 1}}},
                                                    'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic': {'arguments': [],
                                                       'attributes': '',
                                                       'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085245728>,
                                                       'line': 33,
                                                       'lineend': 47,
                                                       'name': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                       'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',),
                                                       'returns': {},
                                                       'signature': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic()',
                                                       'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                  'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085247648>,
                                                                                  'doc': None,
                                                                                  'line': 34,
                                                                                  'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                                  'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                                                  'symbols': {},
                                                                                  'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                   'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                              'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085249280>,
                                                                              'doc': None,
                                                                              'line': 35,
                                                                              'name': 'schema',
                                                                              'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                                              'symbols': {},
                                                                              'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_added_fields_basic': 1}}},
                                                       'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing': {'arguments': [],
                                                         'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085250912>,
                                                         'line': 51,
                                                         'lineend': 65,
                                                         'name': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',),
                                                         'returns': {},
                                                         'signature': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing()',
                                                         'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                    'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085252832>,
                                                                                    'doc': None,
                                                                                    'line': 52,
                                                                                    'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                                    'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                                                    'symbols': {},
                                                                                    'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                     'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085254464>,
                                                                                'doc': None,
                                                                                'line': 53,
                                                                                'name': 'schema',
                                                                                'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                                                'symbols': {},
                                                                                'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing': 1}}},
                                                         'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_es_mocked': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085266944>,
                                                      'doc': None,
                                                      'line': 86,
                                                      'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                      'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                      'types': {}}],
                                       'attributes': '',
                                       'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085265024>,
                                       'line': 86,
                                       'lineend': 102,
                                       'name': 'test_import_es_mocked',
                                       'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',),
                                       'returns': {},
                                       'signature': 'test_import_es_mocked(schema_dict)',
                                       'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085270208>,
                                                                'doc': None,
                                                                'line': 96,
                                                                'name': 'importer',
                                                                'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                'symbols': {},
                                                                'types': {'Importer() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'mock_response': {'attributes': '',
                                                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085268576>,
                                                                     'doc': None,
                                                                     'line': 88,
                                                                     'name': 'mock_response',
                                                                     'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                     'symbols': {},
                                                                     'types': {'json.dumps() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'r': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085185824>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 101,
                                                         'name': 'r',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'importer.esclient.send_request() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085266944>,
                                                                   'doc': None,
                                                                   'line': 86,
                                                                   'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                   'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                   'symbols': {},
                                                                   'types': {}}},
                                       'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_default': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085275968>,
                                                              'doc': None,
                                                              'line': 105,
                                                              'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                              'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                              'symbols': {},
                                                              'types': {}}],
                                               'attributes': '',
                                               'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085273472>,
                                               'line': 105,
                                               'lineend': 112,
                                               'name': 'test_import_field_map_default',
                                               'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',),
                                               'returns': {},
                                               'signature': 'test_import_field_map_default(schema_dict)',
                                               'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085277600>,
                                                                        'doc': None,
                                                                        'line': 106,
                                                                        'name': 'importer',
                                                                        'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                                        'symbols': {},
                                                                        'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_default': 1}},
                                                           'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085275968>,
                                                                           'doc': None,
                                                                           'line': 105,
                                                                           'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                           'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                                           'symbols': {},
                                                                           'types': {}}},
                                               'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_no_slugs': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085281152>,
                                                               'doc': None,
                                                               'line': 115,
                                                               'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                               'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                               'symbols': {},
                                                               'types': {}}],
                                                'attributes': '',
                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085279232>,
                                                'line': 115,
                                                'lineend': 122,
                                                'name': 'test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',),
                                                'returns': {},
                                                'signature': 'test_import_field_map_no_slugs(schema_dict)',
                                                'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085282784>,
                                                                         'doc': None,
                                                                         'line': 116,
                                                                         'name': 'importer',
                                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                                         'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_no_slugs': 1}},
                                                            'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085281152>,
                                                                            'doc': None,
                                                                            'line': 115,
                                                                            'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                            'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                                            'types': {}}},
                                                'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_slugs': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085286336>,
                                                            'doc': None,
                                                            'line': 125,
                                                            'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                            'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                            'types': {}}],
                                             'attributes': '',
                                             'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085284416>,
                                             'line': 125,
                                             'lineend': 132,
                                             'name': 'test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                             'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',),
                                             'returns': {},
                                             'signature': 'test_import_field_map_slugs(schema_dict)',
                                             'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                      'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085287968>,
                                                                      'doc': None,
                                                                      'line': 126,
                                                                      'name': 'importer',
                                                                      'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                                      'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_slugs': 1}},
                                                         'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085286336>,
                                                                         'doc': None,
                                                                         'line': 125,
                                                                         'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                                         'types': {}}},
                                             'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085291520>,
                                                                       'doc': None,
                                                                       'line': 135,
                                                                       'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                       'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                       'symbols': {},
                                                                       'types': {}}],
                                                        'attributes': '',
                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085289600>,
                                                        'line': 135,
                                                        'lineend': 144,
                                                        'name': 'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                        'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',),
                                                        'returns': {},
                                                        'signature': 'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats(schema_dict)',
                                                        'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                 'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085293152>,
                                                                                 'doc': None,
                                                                                 'line': 136,
                                                                                 'name': 'importer',
                                                                                 'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                                 'symbols': {},
                                                                                 'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats': 1}},
                                                                    'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085291520>,
                                                                                    'doc': None,
                                                                                    'line': 135,
                                                                                    'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                                    'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                                    'symbols': {},
                                                                                    'types': {}}},
                                                        'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_get_v': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084642432>,
                                                  'doc': None,
                                                  'line': 147,
                                                  'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                  'nspath': ('test_import_get_v',
                                                  'symbols': {},
                                                  'types': {}}],
                                   'attributes': '',
                                   'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084717632>,
                                   'line': 147,
                                   'lineend': 156,
                                   'name': 'test_import_get_v',
                                   'nspath': ('test_import_get_v',),
                                   'returns': {},
                                   'signature': 'test_import_get_v(schema_dict)',
                                   'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                            'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084644064>,
                                                            'doc': None,
                                                            'line': 148,
                                                            'name': 'importer',
                                                            'nspath': ('test_import_get_v',
                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                            'types': {'Importer() test_import_get_v': 1}},
                                               'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084642432>,
                                                               'doc': None,
                                                               'line': 147,
                                                               'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                               'nspath': ('test_import_get_v',
                                                               'symbols': {},
                                                               'types': {}}},
                                   'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_set_config_200': {'arguments': [],
                                     'attributes': '',
                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084649248>,
                                     'line': 178,
                                     'lineend': 188,
                                     'name': 'test_set_config_200',
                                     'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',),
                                     'returns': {},
                                     'signature': 'test_set_config_200()',
                                     'symbols': {'result': {'attributes': '',
                                                            'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084652832>,
                                                            'doc': None,
                                                            'line': 187,
                                                            'name': 'result',
                                                            'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',
                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                            'types': {'set_config() test_set_config_200': 1}},
                                                 'url': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084651200>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 179,
                                                         'name': 'url',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'str': 1,
                                                                   'tuple': 1}}},
                                     'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_set_config_404': {'arguments': [],
                                     'attributes': '',
                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084645696>,
                                     'line': 164,
                                     'lineend': 174,
                                     'name': 'test_set_config_404',
                                     'nspath': ('test_set_config_404',),
                                     'returns': {},
                                     'signature': 'test_set_config_404()',
                                     'symbols': {'url': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084647616>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 165,
                                                         'name': 'url',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_set_config_404',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'str': 1,
                                                                   'tuple': 1}}},
                                     'types': {'function': 1}}},
 'types': {'module': 1}}
{'imports': [{'line': 1, 'module': 'json'},
             {'line': 2, 'module': 'os', 'symbol': 'path'},
             {'line': 3, 'module': 're'},
             {'line': 5, 'module': 'pytest'},
             {'line': 6, 'module': 'responses'},
             {'line': 8, 'module': 'tns', 'symbol': 'settings'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'append_schema'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'Importer'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'set_config'}],
 'name': 'test_importer',
 'nspath': (),
 'symbols': {'BASE_PATH': {'attributes': '',
                           'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262994815520>,
                           'doc': None,
                           'line': 12,
                           'name': 'BASE_PATH',
                           'nspath': ('BASE_PATH',),
                           'symbols': {},
                           'types': {'path.dirname()': 1}},
             'ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE': {'attributes': '',
                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082070112>,
                                        'doc': None,
                                        'line': 80,
                                        'name': 'ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE',
                                        'nspath': ('ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE',),
                                        'symbols': {},
                                        'types': {'re.compile()': 1}},
             'schema_dict': {'arguments': [],
                             'attributes': '',
                             'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079465664>,
                             'line': 74,
                             'lineend': 77,
                             'name': 'schema_dict',
                             'nspath': ('schema_dict',),
                             'returns': {'json.load()': 1},
                             'signature': 'schema_dict()',
                             'symbols': {'filename': {'attributes': '',
                                                      'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263007957968>,
                                                      'doc': None,
                                                      'line': 75,
                                                      'name': 'filename',
                                                      'nspath': ('schema_dict',
                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                      'types': {'path.join() schema_dict': 1}},
                                         'schema_json': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263007958832>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 76,
                                                         'name': 'schema_json',
                                                         'nspath': ('schema_dict',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {}}},
                             'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_add_to_empty': {'arguments': [],
                                                 'attributes': '',
                                                 'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079433872>,
                                                 'line': 19,
                                                 'lineend': 23,
                                                 'name': 'test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                 'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',),
                                                 'returns': {},
                                                 'signature': 'test_append_schema_add_to_empty()',
                                                 'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                            'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997836848>,
                                                                            'doc': None,
                                                                            'line': 20,
                                                                            'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                            'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                                            'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                             'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262994578016>,
                                                                        'doc': None,
                                                                        'line': 21,
                                                                        'name': 'schema',
                                                                        'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                                        'symbols': {},
                                                                        'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_add_to_empty': 1}}},
                                                 'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_add_to_existing': {'arguments': [],
                                                    'attributes': '',
                                                    'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083711904>,
                                                    'line': 26,
                                                    'lineend': 30,
                                                    'name': 'test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                    'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',),
                                                    'returns': {},
                                                    'signature': 'test_append_schema_add_to_existing()',
                                                    'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                               'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262994747296>,
                                                                               'doc': None,
                                                                               'line': 27,
                                                                               'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                               'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                                               'symbols': {},
                                                                               'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                           'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263007767888>,
                                                                           'doc': None,
                                                                           'line': 28,
                                                                           'name': 'schema',
                                                                           'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                                           'symbols': {},
                                                                           'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_add_to_existing': 1}}},
                                                    'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic': {'arguments': [],
                                                       'attributes': '',
                                                       'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997324544>,
                                                       'line': 33,
                                                       'lineend': 47,
                                                       'name': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                       'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',),
                                                       'returns': {},
                                                       'signature': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic()',
                                                       'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                  'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262989663776>,
                                                                                  'doc': None,
                                                                                  'line': 34,
                                                                                  'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                                  'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                                                  'symbols': {},
                                                                                  'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                   'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                              'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084227376>,
                                                                              'doc': None,
                                                                              'line': 35,
                                                                              'name': 'schema',
                                                                              'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                                              'symbols': {},
                                                                              'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_added_fields_basic': 1}}},
                                                       'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing': {'arguments': [],
                                                         'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083815056>,
                                                         'line': 51,
                                                         'lineend': 65,
                                                         'name': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',),
                                                         'returns': {},
                                                         'signature': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing()',
                                                         'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                    'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083962960>,
                                                                                    'doc': None,
                                                                                    'line': 52,
                                                                                    'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                                    'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                                                    'symbols': {},
                                                                                    'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                     'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079505312>,
                                                                                'doc': None,
                                                                                'line': 53,
                                                                                'name': 'schema',
                                                                                'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                                                'symbols': {},
                                                                                'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing': 1}}},
                                                         'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_es_mocked': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082073664>,
                                                      'doc': None,
                                                      'line': 86,
                                                      'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                      'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                      'types': {}}],
                                       'attributes': '',
                                       'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082071744>,
                                       'line': 86,
                                       'lineend': 102,
                                       'name': 'test_import_es_mocked',
                                       'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',),
                                       'returns': {},
                                       'signature': 'test_import_es_mocked(schema_dict)',
                                       'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082076928>,
                                                                'doc': None,
                                                                'line': 96,
                                                                'name': 'importer',
                                                                'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                'symbols': {},
                                                                'types': {'Importer() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'mock_response': {'attributes': '',
                                                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082075296>,
                                                                     'doc': None,
                                                                     'line': 88,
                                                                     'name': 'mock_response',
                                                                     'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                     'symbols': {},
                                                                     'types': {'json.dumps() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'r': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082078848>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 101,
                                                         'name': 'r',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'importer.esclient.send_request() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082073664>,
                                                                   'doc': None,
                                                                   'line': 86,
                                                                   'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                   'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                   'symbols': {},
                                                                   'types': {}}},
                                       'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_default': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082082688>,
                                                              'doc': None,
                                                              'line': 105,
                                                              'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                              'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                              'symbols': {},
                                                              'types': {}}],
                                               'attributes': '',
                                               'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082080480>,
                                               'line': 105,
                                               'lineend': 112,
                                               'name': 'test_import_field_map_default',
                                               'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',),
                                               'returns': {},
                                               'signature': 'test_import_field_map_default(schema_dict)',
                                               'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082084320>,
                                                                        'doc': None,
                                                                        'line': 106,
                                                                        'name': 'importer',
                                                                        'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                                        'symbols': {},
                                                                        'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_default': 1}},
                                                           'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082082688>,
                                                                           'doc': None,
                                                                           'line': 105,
                                                                           'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                           'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                                           'symbols': {},
                                                                           'types': {}}},
                                               'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_no_slugs': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082087872>,
                                                               'doc': None,
                                                               'line': 115,
                                                               'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                               'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                               'symbols': {},
                                                               'types': {}}],
                                                'attributes': '',
                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082085952>,
                                                'line': 115,
                                                'lineend': 122,
                                                'name': 'test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',),
                                                'returns': {},
                                                'signature': 'test_import_field_map_no_slugs(schema_dict)',
                                                'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082089504>,
                                                                         'doc': None,
                                                                         'line': 116,
                                                                         'name': 'importer',
                                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                                         'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_no_slugs': 1}},
                                                            'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082087872>,
                                                                            'doc': None,
                                                                            'line': 115,
                                                                            'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                            'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                                            'types': {}}},
                                                'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_slugs': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082093056>,
                                                            'doc': None,
                                                            'line': 125,
                                                            'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                            'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                            'types': {}}],
                                             'attributes': '',
                                             'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082091136>,
                                             'line': 125,
                                             'lineend': 132,
                                             'name': 'test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                             'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',),
                                             'returns': {},
                                             'signature': 'test_import_field_map_slugs(schema_dict)',
                                             'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                      'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082094688>,
                                                                      'doc': None,
                                                                      'line': 126,
                                                                      'name': 'importer',
                                                                      'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                                      'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_slugs': 1}},
                                                         'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082093056>,
                                                                         'doc': None,
                                                                         'line': 125,
                                                                         'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                                         'types': {}}},
                                             'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263081593968>,
                                                                       'doc': None,
                                                                       'line': 135,
                                                                       'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                       'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                       'symbols': {},
                                                                       'types': {}}],
                                                        'attributes': '',
                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263081592048>,
                                                        'line': 135,
                                                        'lineend': 144,
                                                        'name': 'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                        'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',),
                                                        'returns': {},
                                                        'signature': 'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats(schema_dict)',
                                                        'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                 'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263081595600>,
                                                                                 'doc': None,
                                                                                 'line': 136,
                                                                                 'name': 'importer',
                                                                                 'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                                 'symbols': {},
                                                                                 'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats': 1}},
                                                                    'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263081593968>,
                                                                                    'doc': None,
                                                                                    'line': 135,
                                                                                    'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                                    'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                                    'symbols': {},
                                                                                    'types': {}}},
                                                        'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_get_va': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263081599152>,
                                                   'doc': None,
                                                   'line': 147,
                                                   'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                   'nspath': ('test_import_get_va',
                                                   'symbols': {},
                                                   'types': {}}],
                                    'attributes': '',
                                    'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263081597232>,
                                    'line': 147,
                                    'lineend': 156,
                                    'name': 'test_import_get_va',
                                    'nspath': ('test_import_get_va',),
                                    'returns': {},
                                    'signature': 'test_import_get_va(schema_dict)',
                                    'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                             'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263081600016>,
                                                             'doc': None,
                                                             'line': 148,
                                                             'name': 'importer',
                                                             'nspath': ('test_import_get_va',
                                                             'symbols': {},
                                                             'types': {'Importer() test_import_get_va': 1}},
                                                'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263081599152>,
                                                                'doc': None,
                                                                'line': 147,
                                                                'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                'nspath': ('test_import_get_va',
                                                                'symbols': {},
                                                                'types': {}}},
                                    'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_set_config_200': {'arguments': [],
                                     'attributes': '',
                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082008512>,
                                     'line': 178,
                                     'lineend': 188,
                                     'name': 'test_set_config_200',
                                     'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',),
                                     'returns': {},
                                     'signature': 'test_set_config_200()',
                                     'symbols': {'result': {'attributes': '',
                                                            'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083541920>,
                                                            'doc': None,
                                                            'line': 187,
                                                            'name': 'result',
                                                            'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',
                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                            'types': {'set_config() test_set_config_200': 1}},
                                                 'url': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083540288>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 179,
                                                         'name': 'url',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'str': 1,
                                                                   'tuple': 1}}},
                                     'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_set_config_404': {'arguments': [],
                                     'attributes': '',
                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082004960>,
                                     'line': 164,
                                     'lineend': 174,
                                     'name': 'test_set_config_404',
                                     'nspath': ('test_set_config_404',),
                                     'returns': {},
                                     'signature': 'test_set_config_404()',
                                     'symbols': {'url': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082006880>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 165,
                                                         'name': 'url',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_set_config_404',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'str': 1,
                                                                   'tuple': 1}}},
                                     'types': {'function': 1}}},
 'types': {'module': 1}}
{'imports': [{'line': 1, 'module': 'json'},
             {'line': 2, 'module': 'os', 'symbol': 'path'},
             {'line': 3, 'module': 're'},
             {'line': 5, 'module': 'pytest'},
             {'line': 6, 'module': 'responses'},
             {'line': 8, 'module': 'tns', 'symbol': 'settings'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'append_schema'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'Importer'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'set_config'}],
 'name': 'test_importer',
 'nspath': (),
 'symbols': {'BASE_PATH': {'attributes': '',
                           'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262989387456>,
                           'doc': None,
                           'line': 12,
                           'name': 'BASE_PATH',
                           'nspath': ('BASE_PATH',),
                           'symbols': {},
                           'types': {'path.dirname()': 1}},
             'ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE': {'attributes': '',
                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263007450912>,
                                        'doc': None,
                                        'line': 80,
                                        'name': 'ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE',
                                        'nspath': ('ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE',),
                                        'symbols': {},
                                        'types': {'re.compile()': 1}},
             'schema_dict': {'arguments': [],
                             'attributes': '',
                             'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263003748416>,
                             'line': 74,
                             'lineend': 77,
                             'name': 'schema_dict',
                             'nspath': ('schema_dict',),
                             'returns': {'json.load()': 1},
                             'signature': 'schema_dict()',
                             'symbols': {'filename': {'attributes': '',
                                                      'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263007145072>,
                                                      'doc': None,
                                                      'line': 75,
                                                      'name': 'filename',
                                                      'nspath': ('schema_dict',
                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                      'types': {'path.join() schema_dict': 1}},
                                         'schema_json': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263003927952>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 76,
                                                         'name': 'schema_json',
                                                         'nspath': ('schema_dict',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {}}},
                             'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_add_to_empty': {'arguments': [],
                                                 'attributes': '',
                                                 'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262988379584>,
                                                 'line': 19,
                                                 'lineend': 23,
                                                 'name': 'test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                 'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',),
                                                 'returns': {},
                                                 'signature': 'test_append_schema_add_to_empty()',
                                                 'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                            'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263007771744>,
                                                                            'doc': None,
                                                                            'line': 20,
                                                                            'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                            'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                                            'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                             'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263008384656>,
                                                                        'doc': None,
                                                                        'line': 21,
                                                                        'name': 'schema',
                                                                        'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                                        'symbols': {},
                                                                        'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_add_to_empty': 1}}},
                                                 'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_add_to_existing': {'arguments': [],
                                                    'attributes': '',
                                                    'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083635584>,
                                                    'line': 26,
                                                    'lineend': 30,
                                                    'name': 'test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                    'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',),
                                                    'returns': {},
                                                    'signature': 'test_append_schema_add_to_existing()',
                                                    'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                               'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997603248>,
                                                                               'doc': None,
                                                                               'line': 27,
                                                                               'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                               'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                                               'symbols': {},
                                                                               'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                           'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262989367776>,
                                                                           'doc': None,
                                                                           'line': 28,
                                                                           'name': 'schema',
                                                                           'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                                           'symbols': {},
                                                                           'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_add_to_existing': 1}}},
                                                    'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic': {'arguments': [],
                                                       'attributes': '',
                                                       'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263004353968>,
                                                       'line': 33,
                                                       'lineend': 47,
                                                       'name': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                       'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',),
                                                       'returns': {},
                                                       'signature': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic()',
                                                       'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                  'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084229296>,
                                                                                  'doc': None,
                                                                                  'line': 34,
                                                                                  'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                                  'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                                                  'symbols': {},
                                                                                  'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                   'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                              'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997610592>,
                                                                              'doc': None,
                                                                              'line': 35,
                                                                              'name': 'schema',
                                                                              'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                                              'symbols': {},
                                                                              'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_added_fields_basic': 1}}},
                                                       'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing': {'arguments': [],
                                                         'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084233808>,
                                                         'line': 51,
                                                         'lineend': 65,
                                                         'name': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',),
                                                         'returns': {},
                                                         'signature': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing()',
                                                         'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                    'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083720896>,
                                                                                    'doc': None,
                                                                                    'line': 52,
                                                                                    'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                                    'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                                                    'symbols': {},
                                                                                    'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                     'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083985104>,
                                                                                'doc': None,
                                                                                'line': 53,
                                                                                'name': 'schema',
                                                                                'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                                                'symbols': {},
                                                                                'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing': 1}}},
                                                         'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_es_mocked': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083622608>,
                                                      'doc': None,
                                                      'line': 86,
                                                      'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                      'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                      'types': {}}],
                                       'attributes': '',
                                       'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079868832>,
                                       'line': 86,
                                       'lineend': 102,
                                       'name': 'test_import_es_mocked',
                                       'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',),
                                       'returns': {},
                                       'signature': 'test_import_es_mocked(schema_dict)',
                                       'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079613664>,
                                                                'doc': None,
                                                                'line': 96,
                                                                'name': 'importer',
                                                                'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                'symbols': {},
                                                                'types': {'Importer() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'mock_response': {'attributes': '',
                                                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262994968672>,
                                                                     'doc': None,
                                                                     'line': 88,
                                                                     'name': 'mock_response',
                                                                     'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                     'symbols': {},
                                                                     'types': {'json.dumps() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'r': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997342368>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 101,
                                                         'name': 'r',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'importer.esclient.send_request() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083622608>,
                                                                   'doc': None,
                                                                   'line': 86,
                                                                   'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                   'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                   'symbols': {},
                                                                   'types': {}}},
                                       'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_default': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263008648864>,
                                                              'doc': None,
                                                              'line': 105,
                                                              'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                              'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                              'symbols': {},
                                                              'types': {}}],
                                               'attributes': '',
                                               'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263007683056>,
                                               'line': 105,
                                               'lineend': 112,
                                               'name': 'test_import_field_map_default',
                                               'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',),
                                               'returns': {},
                                               'signature': 'test_import_field_map_default(schema_dict)',
                                               'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079522944>,
                                                                        'doc': None,
                                                                        'line': 106,
                                                                        'name': 'importer',
                                                                        'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                                        'symbols': {},
                                                                        'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_default': 1}},
                                                           'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263008648864>,
                                                                           'doc': None,
                                                                           'line': 105,
                                                                           'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                           'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                                           'symbols': {},
                                                                           'types': {}}},
                                               'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_no_slugs': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083244992>,
                                                               'doc': None,
                                                               'line': 115,
                                                               'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                               'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                               'symbols': {},
                                                               'types': {}}],
                                                'attributes': '',
                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997851568>,
                                                'line': 115,
                                                'lineend': 122,
                                                'name': 'test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',),
                                                'returns': {},
                                                'signature': 'test_import_field_map_no_slugs(schema_dict)',
                                                'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083770960>,
                                                                         'doc': None,
                                                                         'line': 116,
                                                                         'name': 'importer',
                                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                                         'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_no_slugs': 1}},
                                                            'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263083244992>,
                                                                            'doc': None,
                                                                            'line': 115,
                                                                            'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                            'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                                            'types': {}}},
                                                'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_slugs': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084729888>,
                                                            'doc': None,
                                                            'line': 125,
                                                            'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                            'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                            'types': {}}],
                                             'attributes': '',
                                             'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085075520>,
                                             'line': 125,
                                             'lineend': 132,
                                             'name': 'test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                             'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',),
                                             'returns': {},
                                             'signature': 'test_import_field_map_slugs(schema_dict)',
                                             'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                      'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084678704>,
                                                                      'doc': None,
                                                                      'line': 126,
                                                                      'name': 'importer',
                                                                      'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                                      'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_slugs': 1}},
                                                         'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084729888>,
                                                                         'doc': None,
                                                                         'line': 125,
                                                                         'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                                         'types': {}}},
                                             'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084693872>,
                                                                       'doc': None,
                                                                       'line': 135,
                                                                       'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                       'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                       'symbols': {},
                                                                       'types': {}}],
                                                        'attributes': '',
                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084687248>,
                                                        'line': 135,
                                                        'lineend': 144,
                                                        'name': 'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                        'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',),
                                                        'returns': {},
                                                        'signature': 'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats(schema_dict)',
                                                        'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                 'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085206736>,
                                                                                 'doc': None,
                                                                                 'line': 136,
                                                                                 'name': 'importer',
                                                                                 'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                                 'symbols': {},
                                                                                 'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats': 1}},
                                                                    'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084693872>,
                                                                                    'doc': None,
                                                                                    'line': 135,
                                                                                    'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                                    'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                                    'symbols': {},
                                                                                    'types': {}}},
                                                        'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_get_val': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085284784>,
                                                    'doc': None,
                                                    'line': 147,
                                                    'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                    'nspath': ('test_import_get_val',
                                                    'symbols': {},
                                                    'types': {}}],
                                     'attributes': '',
                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085288144>,
                                     'line': 147,
                                     'lineend': 156,
                                     'name': 'test_import_get_val',
                                     'nspath': ('test_import_get_val',),
                                     'returns': {},
                                     'signature': 'test_import_get_val(schema_dict)',
                                     'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                              'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085282288>,
                                                              'doc': None,
                                                              'line': 148,
                                                              'name': 'importer',
                                                              'nspath': ('test_import_get_val',
                                                              'symbols': {},
                                                              'types': {'Importer() test_import_get_val': 1}},
                                                 'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085284784>,
                                                                 'doc': None,
                                                                 'line': 147,
                                                                 'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                 'nspath': ('test_import_get_val',
                                                                 'symbols': {},
                                                                 'types': {}}},
                                     'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_set_config_200': {'arguments': [],
                                     'attributes': '',
                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997126000>,
                                     'line': 178,
                                     'lineend': 188,
                                     'name': 'test_set_config_200',
                                     'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',),
                                     'returns': {},
                                     'signature': 'test_set_config_200()',
                                     'symbols': {'result': {'attributes': '',
                                                            'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084675344>,
                                                            'doc': None,
                                                            'line': 187,
                                                            'name': 'result',
                                                            'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',
                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                            'types': {'set_config() test_set_config_200': 1}},
                                                 'url': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997099568>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 179,
                                                         'name': 'url',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'str': 1,
                                                                   'tuple': 1}}},
                                     'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_set_config_404': {'arguments': [],
                                     'attributes': '',
                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085279792>,
                                     'line': 164,
                                     'lineend': 174,
                                     'name': 'test_set_config_404',
                                     'nspath': ('test_set_config_404',),
                                     'returns': {},
                                     'signature': 'test_set_config_404()',
                                     'symbols': {'url': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263085276432>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 165,
                                                         'name': 'url',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_set_config_404',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'str': 1,
                                                                   'tuple': 1}}},
                                     'types': {'function': 1}}},
 'types': {'module': 1}}
{'imports': [{'line': 1, 'module': 'json'},
             {'line': 2, 'module': 'os', 'symbol': 'path'},
             {'line': 3, 'module': 're'},
             {'line': 5, 'module': 'pytest'},
             {'line': 6, 'module': 'responses'},
             {'line': 8, 'module': 'tns', 'symbol': 'settings'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'append_schema'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'Importer'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'set_config'}],
 'name': 'test_importer',
 'nspath': (),
 'symbols': {'BASE_PATH': {'attributes': '',
                           'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082086704>,
                           'doc': None,
                           'line': 12,
                           'name': 'BASE_PATH',
                           'nspath': ('BASE_PATH',),
                           'symbols': {},
                           'types': {'path.dirname()': 1}},
             'ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE': {'attributes': '',
                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035004352>,
                                        'doc': None,
                                        'line': 80,
                                        'name': 'ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE',
                                        'nspath': ('ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE',),
                                        'symbols': {},
                                        'types': {'re.compile()': 1}},
             'schema_dict': {'arguments': [],
                             'attributes': '',
                             'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263036166992>,
                             'line': 74,
                             'lineend': 77,
                             'name': 'schema_dict',
                             'nspath': ('schema_dict',),
                             'returns': {'json.load()': 1},
                             'signature': 'schema_dict()',
                             'symbols': {'filename': {'attributes': '',
                                                      'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263003503760>,
                                                      'doc': None,
                                                      'line': 75,
                                                      'name': 'filename',
                                                      'nspath': ('schema_dict',
                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                      'types': {'path.join() schema_dict': 1}},
                                         'schema_json': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035465968>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 76,
                                                         'name': 'schema_json',
                                                         'nspath': ('schema_dict',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {}}},
                             'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_add_to_empty': {'arguments': [],
                                                 'attributes': '',
                                                 'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082084496>,
                                                 'line': 19,
                                                 'lineend': 23,
                                                 'name': 'test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                 'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',),
                                                 'returns': {},
                                                 'signature': 'test_append_schema_add_to_empty()',
                                                 'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                            'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263006740352>,
                                                                            'doc': None,
                                                                            'line': 20,
                                                                            'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                            'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                                            'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                             'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263007045824>,
                                                                        'doc': None,
                                                                        'line': 21,
                                                                        'name': 'schema',
                                                                        'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                                        'symbols': {},
                                                                        'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_add_to_empty': 1}}},
                                                 'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_add_to_existing': {'arguments': [],
                                                    'attributes': '',
                                                    'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263081550368>,
                                                    'line': 26,
                                                    'lineend': 30,
                                                    'name': 'test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                    'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',),
                                                    'returns': {},
                                                    'signature': 'test_append_schema_add_to_existing()',
                                                    'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                               'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263007254080>,
                                                                               'doc': None,
                                                                               'line': 27,
                                                                               'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                               'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                                               'symbols': {},
                                                                               'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                           'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079626784>,
                                                                           'doc': None,
                                                                           'line': 28,
                                                                           'name': 'schema',
                                                                           'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                                           'symbols': {},
                                                                           'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_add_to_existing': 1}}},
                                                    'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic': {'arguments': [],
                                                       'attributes': '',
                                                       'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263003562864>,
                                                       'line': 33,
                                                       'lineend': 47,
                                                       'name': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                       'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',),
                                                       'returns': {},
                                                       'signature': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic()',
                                                       'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                  'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084071472>,
                                                                                  'doc': None,
                                                                                  'line': 34,
                                                                                  'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                                  'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                                                  'symbols': {},
                                                                                  'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                   'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                              'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263081945456>,
                                                                              'doc': None,
                                                                              'line': 35,
                                                                              'name': 'schema',
                                                                              'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                                              'symbols': {},
                                                                              'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_added_fields_basic': 1}}},
                                                       'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing': {'arguments': [],
                                                         'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263082024560>,
                                                         'line': 51,
                                                         'lineend': 65,
                                                         'name': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',),
                                                         'returns': {},
                                                         'signature': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing()',
                                                         'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                    'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262995969696>,
                                                                                    'doc': None,
                                                                                    'line': 52,
                                                                                    'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                                    'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                                                    'symbols': {},
                                                                                    'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                     'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263036588560>,
                                                                                'doc': None,
                                                                                'line': 53,
                                                                                'name': 'schema',
                                                                                'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                                                'symbols': {},
                                                                                'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing': 1}}},
                                                         'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_es_mocked': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262995394224>,
                                                      'doc': None,
                                                      'line': 86,
                                                      'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                      'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                      'types': {}}],
                                       'attributes': '',
                                       'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263036822656>,
                                       'line': 86,
                                       'lineend': 102,
                                       'name': 'test_import_es_mocked',
                                       'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',),
                                       'returns': {},
                                       'signature': 'test_import_es_mocked(schema_dict)',
                                       'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263034750608>,
                                                                'doc': None,
                                                                'line': 96,
                                                                'name': 'importer',
                                                                'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                'symbols': {},
                                                                'types': {'Importer() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'mock_response': {'attributes': '',
                                                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035255936>,
                                                                     'doc': None,
                                                                     'line': 88,
                                                                     'name': 'mock_response',
                                                                     'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                     'symbols': {},
                                                                     'types': {'json.dumps() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'r': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035594688>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 101,
                                                         'name': 'r',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'importer.esclient.send_request() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262995394224>,
                                                                   'doc': None,
                                                                   'line': 86,
                                                                   'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                   'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                   'symbols': {},
                                                                   'types': {}}},
                                       'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_default': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035521376>,
                                                              'doc': None,
                                                              'line': 105,
                                                              'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                              'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                              'symbols': {},
                                                              'types': {}}],
                                               'attributes': '',
                                               'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263036567856>,
                                               'line': 105,
                                               'lineend': 112,
                                               'name': 'test_import_field_map_default',
                                               'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',),
                                               'returns': {},
                                               'signature': 'test_import_field_map_default(schema_dict)',
                                               'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263010650128>,
                                                                        'doc': None,
                                                                        'line': 106,
                                                                        'name': 'importer',
                                                                        'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                                        'symbols': {},
                                                                        'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_default': 1}},
                                                           'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035521376>,
                                                                           'doc': None,
                                                                           'line': 105,
                                                                           'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                           'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                                           'symbols': {},
                                                                           'types': {}}},
                                               'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_no_slugs': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263010313328>,
                                                               'doc': None,
                                                               'line': 115,
                                                               'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                               'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                               'symbols': {},
                                                               'types': {}}],
                                                'attributes': '',
                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263010456048>,
                                                'line': 115,
                                                'lineend': 122,
                                                'name': 'test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',),
                                                'returns': {},
                                                'signature': 'test_import_field_map_no_slugs(schema_dict)',
                                                'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263036084704>,
                                                                         'doc': None,
                                                                         'line': 116,
                                                                         'name': 'importer',
                                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                                         'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_no_slugs': 1}},
                                                            'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263010313328>,
                                                                            'doc': None,
                                                                            'line': 115,
                                                                            'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                            'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                                            'types': {}}},
                                                'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_slugs': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263010444000>,
                                                            'doc': None,
                                                            'line': 125,
                                                            'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                            'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                            'types': {}}],
                                             'attributes': '',
                                             'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035592560>,
                                             'line': 125,
                                             'lineend': 132,
                                             'name': 'test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                             'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',),
                                             'returns': {},
                                             'signature': 'test_import_field_map_slugs(schema_dict)',
                                             'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                      'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263009974096>,
                                                                      'doc': None,
                                                                      'line': 126,
                                                                      'name': 'importer',
                                                                      'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                                      'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_slugs': 1}},
                                                         'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263010444000>,
                                                                         'doc': None,
                                                                         'line': 125,
                                                                         'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                                         'types': {}}},
                                             'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263032463744>,
                                                                       'doc': None,
                                                                       'line': 135,
                                                                       'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                       'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                       'symbols': {},
                                                                       'types': {}}],
                                                        'attributes': '',
                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263002991200>,
                                                        'line': 135,
                                                        'lineend': 144,
                                                        'name': 'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                        'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',),
                                                        'returns': {},
                                                        'signature': 'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats(schema_dict)',
                                                        'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                 'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263036565744>,
                                                                                 'doc': None,
                                                                                 'line': 136,
                                                                                 'name': 'importer',
                                                                                 'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                                 'symbols': {},
                                                                                 'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats': 1}},
                                                                    'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263032463744>,
                                                                                    'doc': None,
                                                                                    'line': 135,
                                                                                    'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                                    'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                                    'symbols': {},
                                                                                    'types': {}}},
                                                        'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_get_valu': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263002928992>,
                                                     'doc': None,
                                                     'line': 147,
                                                     'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                     'nspath': ('test_import_get_valu',
                                                     'symbols': {},
                                                     'types': {}}],
                                      'attributes': '',
                                      'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263032160016>,
                                      'line': 147,
                                      'lineend': 156,
                                      'name': 'test_import_get_valu',
                                      'nspath': ('test_import_get_valu',),
                                      'returns': {},
                                      'signature': 'test_import_get_valu(schema_dict)',
                                      'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                               'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263010118560>,
                                                               'doc': None,
                                                               'line': 148,
                                                               'name': 'importer',
                                                               'nspath': ('test_import_get_valu',
                                                               'symbols': {},
                                                               'types': {'Importer() test_import_get_valu': 1}},
                                                  'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263002928992>,
                                                                  'doc': None,
                                                                  'line': 147,
                                                                  'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                  'nspath': ('test_import_get_valu',
                                                                  'symbols': {},
                                                                  'types': {}}},
                                      'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_set_config_200': {'arguments': [],
                                     'attributes': '',
                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263036559744>,
                                     'line': 178,
                                     'lineend': 188,
                                     'name': 'test_set_config_200',
                                     'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',),
                                     'returns': {},
                                     'signature': 'test_set_config_200()',
                                     'symbols': {'result': {'attributes': '',
                                                            'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263033755984>,
                                                            'doc': None,
                                                            'line': 187,
                                                            'name': 'result',
                                                            'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',
                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                            'types': {'set_config() test_set_config_200': 1}},
                                                 'url': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262991900032>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 179,
                                                         'name': 'url',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'str': 1,
                                                                   'tuple': 1}}},
                                     'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_set_config_404': {'arguments': [],
                                     'attributes': '',
                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035695664>,
                                     'line': 164,
                                     'lineend': 174,
                                     'name': 'test_set_config_404',
                                     'nspath': ('test_set_config_404',),
                                     'returns': {},
                                     'signature': 'test_set_config_404()',
                                     'symbols': {'url': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263032546624>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 165,
                                                         'name': 'url',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_set_config_404',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'str': 1,
                                                                   'tuple': 1}}},
                                     'types': {'function': 1}}},
 'types': {'module': 1}}
processing `Python': please wait...
{'imports': [{'line': 1, 'module': 'json'},
             {'line': 2, 'module': 'os', 'symbol': 'path'},
             {'line': 3, 'module': 're'},
             {'line': 5, 'module': 'pytest'},
             {'line': 6, 'module': 'responses'},
             {'line': 8, 'module': 'tns', 'symbol': 'settings'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'append_schema'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'Importer'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'set_config'}],
 'name': 'test_importer',
 'nspath': (),
 'symbols': {'BASE_PATH': {'attributes': '',
                           'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079465472>,
                           'doc': None,
                           'line': 12,
                           'name': 'BASE_PATH',
                           'nspath': ('BASE_PATH',),
                           'symbols': {},
                           'types': {'path.dirname()': 1}},
             'ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE': {'attributes': '',
                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997704288>,
                                        'doc': None,
                                        'line': 80,
                                        'name': 'ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE',
                                        'nspath': ('ELASTIC_SEARCH_URLS_RE',),
                                        'symbols': {},
                                        'types': {'re.compile()': 1}},
             'schema_dict': {'arguments': [],
                             'attributes': '',
                             'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079286720>,
                             'line': 74,
                             'lineend': 77,
                             'name': 'schema_dict',
                             'nspath': ('schema_dict',),
                             'returns': {'json.load()': 1},
                             'signature': 'schema_dict()',
                             'symbols': {'filename': {'attributes': '',
                                                      'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079290176>,
                                                      'doc': None,
                                                      'line': 75,
                                                      'name': 'filename',
                                                      'nspath': ('schema_dict',
                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                      'types': {'path.join() schema_dict': 1}},
                                         'schema_json': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997702080>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 76,
                                                         'name': 'schema_json',
                                                         'nspath': ('schema_dict',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {}}},
                             'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_add_to_empty': {'arguments': [],
                                                 'attributes': '',
                                                 'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079466336>,
                                                 'line': 19,
                                                 'lineend': 23,
                                                 'name': 'test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                 'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',),
                                                 'returns': {},
                                                 'signature': 'test_append_schema_add_to_empty()',
                                                 'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                            'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079489472>,
                                                                            'doc': None,
                                                                            'line': 20,
                                                                            'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                            'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                                            'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                             'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997755072>,
                                                                        'doc': None,
                                                                        'line': 21,
                                                                        'name': 'schema',
                                                                        'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_empty',
                                                                        'symbols': {},
                                                                        'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_add_to_empty': 1}}},
                                                 'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_add_to_existing': {'arguments': [],
                                                    'attributes': '',
                                                    'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997756704>,
                                                    'line': 26,
                                                    'lineend': 30,
                                                    'name': 'test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                    'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',),
                                                    'returns': {},
                                                    'signature': 'test_append_schema_add_to_existing()',
                                                    'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                               'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997758624>,
                                                                               'doc': None,
                                                                               'line': 27,
                                                                               'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                               'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                                               'symbols': {},
                                                                               'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                           'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079274720>,
                                                                           'doc': None,
                                                                           'line': 28,
                                                                           'name': 'schema',
                                                                           'nspath': ('test_append_schema_add_to_existing',
                                                                           'symbols': {},
                                                                           'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_add_to_existing': 1}}},
                                                    'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic': {'arguments': [],
                                                       'attributes': '',
                                                       'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079276352>,
                                                       'line': 33,
                                                       'lineend': 47,
                                                       'name': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                       'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',),
                                                       'returns': {},
                                                       'signature': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_basic()',
                                                       'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                  'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079278272>,
                                                                                  'doc': None,
                                                                                  'line': 34,
                                                                                  'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                                  'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                                                  'symbols': {},
                                                                                  'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                   'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                              'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079279904>,
                                                                              'doc': None,
                                                                              'line': 35,
                                                                              'name': 'schema',
                                                                              'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_basic',
                                                                              'symbols': {},
                                                                              'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_added_fields_basic': 1}}},
                                                       'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing': {'arguments': [],
                                                         'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079281536>,
                                                         'line': 51,
                                                         'lineend': 65,
                                                         'name': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',),
                                                         'returns': {},
                                                         'signature': 'test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing()',
                                                         'symbols': {'add_fields': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                    'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079283456>,
                                                                                    'doc': None,
                                                                                    'line': 52,
                                                                                    'name': 'add_fields',
                                                                                    'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                                                    'symbols': {},
                                                                                    'types': {'str': 1}},
                                                                     'schema': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263079285088>,
                                                                                'doc': None,
                                                                                'line': 53,
                                                                                'name': 'schema',
                                                                                'nspath': ('test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing',
                                                                                'symbols': {},
                                                                                'types': {'append_schema() test_append_schema_added_fields_parsing': 1}}},
                                                         'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_es_mocked': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084675344>,
                                                      'doc': None,
                                                      'line': 86,
                                                      'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                      'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                      'types': {}}],
                                       'attributes': '',
                                       'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084684656>,
                                       'line': 86,
                                       'lineend': 102,
                                       'name': 'test_import_es_mocked',
                                       'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',),
                                       'returns': {},
                                       'signature': 'test_import_es_mocked(schema_dict)',
                                       'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263036826640>,
                                                                'doc': None,
                                                                'line': 96,
                                                                'name': 'importer',
                                                                'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                'symbols': {},
                                                                'types': {'Importer() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'mock_response': {'attributes': '',
                                                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262997099568>,
                                                                     'doc': None,
                                                                     'line': 88,
                                                                     'name': 'mock_response',
                                                                     'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                     'symbols': {},
                                                                     'types': {'json.dumps() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'r': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263034991872>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 101,
                                                         'name': 'r',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'importer.esclient.send_request() test_import_es_mocked': 1}},
                                                   'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263084675344>,
                                                                   'doc': None,
                                                                   'line': 86,
                                                                   'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                   'nspath': ('test_import_es_mocked',
                                                                   'symbols': {},
                                                                   'types': {}}},
                                       'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_default': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263010710096>,
                                                              'doc': None,
                                                              'line': 105,
                                                              'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                              'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                              'symbols': {},
                                                              'types': {}}],
                                               'attributes': '',
                                               'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262991702816>,
                                               'line': 105,
                                               'lineend': 112,
                                               'name': 'test_import_field_map_default',
                                               'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',),
                                               'returns': {},
                                               'signature': 'test_import_field_map_default(schema_dict)',
                                               'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262992947424>,
                                                                        'doc': None,
                                                                        'line': 106,
                                                                        'name': 'importer',
                                                                        'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                                        'symbols': {},
                                                                        'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_default': 1}},
                                                           'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263010710096>,
                                                                           'doc': None,
                                                                           'line': 105,
                                                                           'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                           'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_default',
                                                                           'symbols': {},
                                                                           'types': {}}},
                                               'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_no_slugs': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263002932784>,
                                                               'doc': None,
                                                               'line': 115,
                                                               'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                               'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                               'symbols': {},
                                                               'types': {}}],
                                                'attributes': '',
                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263034277952>,
                                                'line': 115,
                                                'lineend': 122,
                                                'name': 'test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',),
                                                'returns': {},
                                                'signature': 'test_import_field_map_no_slugs(schema_dict)',
                                                'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035875840>,
                                                                         'doc': None,
                                                                         'line': 116,
                                                                         'name': 'importer',
                                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                                         'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_no_slugs': 1}},
                                                            'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263002932784>,
                                                                            'doc': None,
                                                                            'line': 115,
                                                                            'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                            'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_no_slugs',
                                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                                            'types': {}}},
                                                'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_slugs': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263010456336>,
                                                            'doc': None,
                                                            'line': 125,
                                                            'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                            'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                            'types': {}}],
                                             'attributes': '',
                                             'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263010097424>,
                                             'line': 125,
                                             'lineend': 132,
                                             'name': 'test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                             'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',),
                                             'returns': {},
                                             'signature': 'test_import_field_map_slugs(schema_dict)',
                                             'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                      'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263010649840>,
                                                                      'doc': None,
                                                                      'line': 126,
                                                                      'name': 'importer',
                                                                      'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                                      'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_slugs': 1}},
                                                         'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263010456336>,
                                                                         'doc': None,
                                                                         'line': 125,
                                                                         'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                         'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_slugs',
                                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                                         'types': {}}},
                                             'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263036567856>,
                                                                       'doc': None,
                                                                       'line': 135,
                                                                       'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                       'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                       'symbols': {},
                                                                       'types': {}}],
                                                        'attributes': '',
                                                        'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035273984>,
                                                        'line': 135,
                                                        'lineend': 144,
                                                        'name': 'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                        'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',),
                                                        'returns': {},
                                                        'signature': 'test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats(schema_dict)',
                                                        'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                                 'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035594688>,
                                                                                 'doc': None,
                                                                                 'line': 136,
                                                                                 'name': 'importer',
                                                                                 'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                                 'symbols': {},
                                                                                 'types': {'Importer() test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats': 1}},
                                                                    'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263036567856>,
                                                                                    'doc': None,
                                                                                    'line': 135,
                                                                                    'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                                    'nspath': ('test_import_field_map_turn_into_floats',
                                                                                    'symbols': {},
                                                                                    'types': {}}},
                                                        'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_import_get_value': {'arguments': [{'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035256224>,
                                                      'doc': None,
                                                      'line': 147,
                                                      'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                      'nspath': ('test_import_get_value',
                                                      'symbols': {},
                                                      'types': {}}],
                                       'attributes': '',
                                       'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263034750608>,
                                       'line': 147,
                                       'lineend': 156,
                                       'name': 'test_import_get_value',
                                       'nspath': ('test_import_get_value',),
                                       'returns': {},
                                       'signature': 'test_import_get_value(schema_dict)',
                                       'symbols': {'importer': {'attributes': '',
                                                                'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263036722672>,
                                                                'doc': None,
                                                                'line': 148,
                                                                'name': 'importer',
                                                                'nspath': ('test_import_get_value',
                                                                'symbols': {},
                                                                'types': {'Importer() test_import_get_value': 1}},
                                                   'schema_dict': {'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263035256224>,
                                                                   'doc': None,
                                                                   'line': 147,
                                                                   'name': 'schema_dict',
                                                                   'nspath': ('test_import_get_value',
                                                                   'symbols': {},
                                                                   'types': {}}},
                                       'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_set_config_200': {'arguments': [],
                                     'attributes': '',
                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263036084992>,
                                     'line': 178,
                                     'lineend': 188,
                                     'name': 'test_set_config_200',
                                     'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',),
                                     'returns': {},
                                     'signature': 'test_set_config_200()',
                                     'symbols': {'result': {'attributes': '',
                                                            'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263032463456>,
                                                            'doc': None,
                                                            'line': 187,
                                                            'name': 'result',
                                                            'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',
                                                            'symbols': {},
                                                            'types': {'set_config() test_set_config_200': 1}},
                                                 'url': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263002054352>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 179,
                                                         'name': 'url',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_set_config_200',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'str': 1,
                                                                   'tuple': 1}}},
                                     'types': {'function': 1}},
             'test_set_config_404': {'arguments': [],
                                     'attributes': '',
                                     'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140263009973808>,
                                     'line': 164,
                                     'lineend': 174,
                                     'name': 'test_set_config_404',
                                     'nspath': ('test_set_config_404',),
                                     'returns': {},
                                     'signature': 'test_set_config_404()',
                                     'symbols': {'url': {'attributes': '',
                                                         'declaration': <Recursion on dict with id=140262991030720>,
                                                         'doc': None,
                                                         'line': 165,
                                                         'name': 'url',
                                                         'nspath': ('test_set_config_404',
                                                         'symbols': {},
                                                         'types': {'str': 1,
                                                                   'tuple': 1}}},
                                     'types': {'function': 1}}},
 'types': {'module': 1}}
spectacles commented 9 years ago

Yes this is the problem! Writing this massive debug messages to the console, is what is slowing things down for you. I have experienced similar cases, but this one I don't know yet.

Is there any indication before or after such a BLOCK, which file / line is responsible for the output?

If you can find it, then we can surely fix it!

anentropic commented 9 years ago

there are several blocks in the dump above, they look like this:

processing `Python': please wait...
{'imports': [{'line': 1, 'module': 'json'},
             {'line': 2, 'module': 'os', 'symbol': 'path'},
             {'line': 3, 'module': 're'},
             {'line': 5, 'module': 'pytest'},
             {'line': 6, 'module': 'responses'},
             {'line': 8, 'module': 'tns', 'symbol': 'settings'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'append_schema'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'Importer'},
             {'line': 9, 'module': 'tns.importer', 'symbol': 'set_config'}],
 'name': 'test_importer',
 'nspath': (),

otherwise, no I don't see anything

sorry, had to remove the plugin for a while now so I can get some work done

spectacles commented 9 years ago

Haha, don't be sorry, its working fine for me! ;)

spectacles commented 9 years ago

the problem seems to be a file/class "test_importer"... is that ringing a bell for you?

What ST version are you on?

anentropic commented 9 years ago

test_importer is a file from my project, the one I was working on. whole project seems affected though

ST 2.0.2 build 2221

spectacles commented 9 years ago

There is solid chance I have fixed your issue! if you could re-install from PackageControl and give me feedback, wonderful!

anentropic commented 9 years ago

I see this in the console when it installs

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./sublime_plugin.py", line 62, in reload_plugin
  File "./CodeComplice.py", line 369
    print("+", "%s: %s" % (ltype.capitalize(), msg), file=condeintel_log_file)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

then it doesn't seem to work

spectacles commented 9 years ago

me culpa! please try again now!

anentropic commented 9 years ago

it's better! no lag!

not all completions are working, there's more "could not resolve first part of ..." messages but maybe I can do something with my codeintel config to fix that

I saw this warning immediately after install:

./CodeComplice.py:1541: SyntaxWarning: name 'is_active_popup' is assigned to before global declaration
  global is_active_popup

and get this when working on my project:

+ Info: processing `Python': please wait...
processing `Python': please wait...
No handlers could be found for logger "process"
/Users/paul/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/CodeComplice/libs/codeintel2/lang_go.py:16: UserWarning: Unable to import zope.cachedescriptors.property
  warnings.warn("Unable to import zope.cachedescriptors.property")
current triggername: 'python-defn-defn'
evaluating 'self.get_value' at importer.py#216: no Python scan info for <Python buf 'importer.py'>
current triggername: 'python-defn-defn'
evaluating 'self.esclient' at importer.py#233: no Python scan info for <Python buf 'importer.py'>
spectacles commented 9 years ago

I fixed those notices, but it's nothing severe. The plugin is now working for you! If you have any suggestions for future improvements, please open a new issue! Have a nice day!

anentropic commented 9 years ago

working good now, thanks!