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RBSP crib sheet can't find attitude_predicts #141

Closed jameswilburlewis closed 6 months ago

jameswilburlewis commented 6 months ago

From Scott Boardsen:

I can only find L1 EFW burst data posted on the UML website, not L2. https://rbsp.space.umn.edu/data/rbsp/rbspa/l1/eb2/

Trying to calibrate the L1 burst, using the spedas crib rbsp_efw_waveform_crib.pro

I changed datatype = ['esvy','vsvy','magsvy'] to datatype = ['eb1','vb1','mscb1','eb2','vb2','mscb2'] then .run rbsp_efw_waveform_crib.pro

The routine called by the spedas crib rbsp_load_efw_waveform so it does create calibrated burst data in U,V,W cooords.

I use ICY all the time but the code fails at.

% Compiled module: ICY_TEST.
SPD_DOWNLOAD_FILE(228): Downloading: http://themis.ssl.berkeley.edu/data/rbsp/MOC_data_products/RBSP?/attitude_predict/
SPD_DOWNLOAD_FILE(315): File not found: http://themis.ssl.berkeley.edu/data/rbsp/MOC_data_products/RBSP?/attitude_predict/
% FILE_EXPAND_PATH: Unable to expand wildcards in file path, or file does not exist:              /Users/sboardse/data/rbsp/MOC_data_products/RBSP?/attitude_predict
% Execution halted at: SPD_DOWNLOAD_FILE  127 /Users/sboardse/spedas/general/spedas_tools/spd_download/spd_download_file.pro
%                      SPD_DOWNLOAD      281 /Users/sboardse/spedas/general/spedas_tools/spd_download/spd_download.pro
%                      RBSP_LOAD_SPICE_PREDICT   56 /Users/sboardse/spedas/general/missions/rbsp/spacecraft/rbsp_load_spice_predict.pro]
%                      RBSP_LOAD_EFW_ESVY_MGSE   87 /Users/sboardse/spedas/general/missions/rbsp/efw/rbsp_load_efw_esvy_mgse.pro
%                      $MAIN$             70 /Users/sboardse/spedas/general/missions/rbsp/efw/examples/rbsp_efw_waveform_crib.pro

It can’t find the attitude data website, I have this data on my laptop, if a path can be set. However, I really want work with the L2 cdfs.

jameswilburlewis commented 6 months ago

The problem seems to be in rbsp_load_spice_predict, and the way it's trying to use a '?' wildcard in the remote directory name (and by extension, the local directory name).

jameswilburlewis commented 6 months ago

I think I've fixed the issue with rbsp_load_spice_predict -- instead of using "RBSP?" in the directory name, I just made two spd_download calls, one for RBSPA, and one for RBSPB.